I can’t and won’t divulge who the person is, and I honestly have no idea if the name this person used to dialogue with me is a real one or a pseudonym. But after having what seemed like a genuine email conversation (initiated by them), I responded to the email thread this morning, only to find out that the email account has been deleted since yesterday.
I sincerely understand the reasons why this person would do that, and given the pressure they’re probably feeling from family and peers in the church, they probably felt it was better to just forget the conversation ever existed. But this is the problem with Stanton. It suppresses sincere inquiry.
If anyone makes an honest reading of this blog, they will find that I am an honest broker of facts. I find them, present them, and tell you what I think about them. But I believe in the God-given right of every individual to inquire after truth without me suppressing it. This is why I allow dissenting opinions in the comments, which my detractors both bash me for, and take advantage of. But that’s OK. Such is the price of freedom of thought. We will have disagreements. It’s part of the human condition.
But can we agree that anyone who comes along and tries to subvert the process of sincere inquiry is not an honest broker? Can we agree that they are afraid you will be persuaded by whatever facts you might uncover—so they pressure you to stop your inquiry and accept their version of the facts.
The problem with this is that facts are truth. We may all come to understand and conclude different things about the facts, but we cannot have our own facts. Either Merie was or wasn’t withdrawn from for causing division. Either she did or didn’t come back from that withdrawal. Either she did or didn’t eventually succeed in causing the division she was withdrawn from for attempting. All of these facts—not opinions—are self-condemning of the movement she started.
Below is my bounced email response this morning to this person:
Yes, the church has definitely improved on some of its teachings over the years. But all the years I grew in the sect, they bashed other churches for having partial truth, not the whole truth. The very fact that they have changed at all, condemns their original reason for breaking off. I sat through many nonmember classes growing up, and the recurring theme (and one of the most persuasive at the time) was that any church that changes their doctrines couldn’t have the truth, because the truth doesn’t change. They had what they called the “suitcase of books” full of men’s books on religion—books by Joseph Smith, Ellen G. White, Amy Simple McPherson, etc.These other sects/cults were constantly changing their doctrine to please the current generation. Well, that’s exactly what Stanton has done over the decades. As they’ve lost the younger generations, they have softened their doctrine to try to keep their kids and grandkids in the fold. But this simply illustrates the lie that Stanton has tried to tell, saying that they alone have the unchanging truth.
Here’s an article that might help:
They used to quote 1 Tim. 3:15 for years “But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.” They said that this meant their church…their sect…was alone the pillar and ground of the truth. But if truth doesn’t change, doctrines shouldn’t
change. And theirs has, as you have acknowledged.
As for which church was the One True Church, Merie’s or the one she broke away from, you are asking the wrong question. The “one true church” is not a church with an address and a sign on the door. It is the spiritual body of believers who have obeyed and are part of his spiritual kingdom. Merie made the same mistake many of the first century disciples made. They thought the kingdom was a physical kingdom that would overthrow the Roman government. Instead, it was a spiritual kingdom:
Luke 17:20-21 – And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.
Here’s an article on the topic of the nature and name of the church:
Here are some more articles that might help you understand my point of view on Stanton’s misapplication of scripture:
Some parting thoughts:
“Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blindfolded fear.” ~Benjamin Franklin
“Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.” ~ Acts 17:12
And don’t forget my favorite saying around here: Truth shouldn’t be afraid of a lie. If someone’s afraid of you asking me questions, what are they afraid of? I can, and have, faced agnostics, atheists, cultists, sectarians, and my friends over differences of opinion. I love talking about truth, enquiring after it, seeking it with all my heart. The question is—does Stanton?
Kevin, God bless you. I never heard of the Stanton CoC until yesterday. I just have to let you know: (1) The work you are doing via this blog is very important, and I hope you always know so. (2) You may already be aware of another blog that I imagine would bless you so deeply, the Freedom Ring's blog. Here is a link: https://cecilhook.wordpress.com/about-freedoms-ring/. There is, as you know, never a need to believe everything or even 10% of what is on a blog, but I can honestly say that the Freedom's Ring blog saved my sanity by affirming… Read more »
I’m very familiar with Cecil Hook and his work toward unity. You’re spot on about 1 John 1:7. John was an amazing writer.
Lynn, I can't find your recent comment about the oppressive teacher in Tacoma so I'll post it here. Just to let you know, your assessment of her is correct; that teacher has been withdrawn from for oppression.
For examples?
This is Lynn's comment I was referring to above about the oppression in Tacoma by the former female teacher. the comment got buried on the "Merie Was Right on This One" Post. Lynn mm said:"Very few are willing to risk withdrawal and excommunication" This can't be more true. I'm sure that everybody has more to say than they are as to what really happened in the church. I know that I have enough to fill a book. Yes, I believe that they shower you with love, but it is a false love. Their love is as shallow as when they… Read more »
Anon 1200 yes I agree that many show a false love. Not everyone, but certainly a great majority.When I left I was spoken about that I was "too emotional". That's a big problem there, having any emotions. Love is an emotion.I too was losing my joy there long before I left. And the way I was treated, very much as if I had been withdrawn from, just because I chose to worship elsewhere, really assured me that I had made the best decision to leave. Unfortunately a lot of bridges have been burned and I really don't want anything to… Read more »
Could we please stop commenting on the "Merie was right on this one"? The comments are so difficult to find and take forever to continue loading. Maybe we can continue the discussions here to make it easier for everyone.
Tell me about it.
Lynn mm.. THIS is the type of thing that they need to correct and fix and go back to people for. When we are correct! Just because their single mind didn't want to admit anything or be proven they were wrong, so they could stay the top dog and to then lose members over this kind of stuff. To me that's just ridiculous. They need to fix it when they didn't listen to other people.
I agree . Too much time wasted looking for comments.
People would get corrected, rebuked, or threatened with withdrawl for having a different understanding, which could be a correct understanding. I heard that is was young ones in the church who started questioning the "marriage bed" judgments, that lead to withdrawls, before they stopped and re-evaluated it enough to realize their understanding was wrong,
Lynn mm, Good for them! How can they NOT see that their understanding was wrong. A place where a few minds should have never been or butted into EVER. Leave people alone. The ones that thought they had this understanding right in the first place really need to step down and away, as this is only a small piece of the mess they have made. I'm still just stunned by the 6-inch rule that I read on here a couple years ago when I first found this blog. And if that is true it is just sick sick sick. It… Read more »
Lynn mm, did they go to the ones that were withdrawn from for this and tell them they were wrong? Or do they pick and choose who they go to for a wrong withdrawal? OR do they believe the holy spirit gave them the understanding at the time with the right to change their mind and not have to go back to the people that they withdrew from?
I don't know about apologies. I just know that they had their withdrawls lifted.
The lack of a true eldership, something even Merie's Church teaches, is one of the biggest problems that results in these crazy judgments. And the use of the May Week is the other. The churches are not autonomous because of at least these 2 factors. Tracy's story among others shows us the damage and power of the May Week. Many of your other stories tell us the damage created when men and women lead churches with no authority given by God in the respective roles they lead. These men and women give the advice and even try to force certain… Read more »
I completely agree with all of what you wrote M Long! They can be wrong for many years and even admit they were wrong but somehow because it's 'them, the one true church' the wrong is acceptable because God allowed it and then later God allowed them to get better understanding. Instead of blaming men for making wrong judgments and making rules where there should be no rules, they put it on God (the wrong judgement was okay with God and then getting it right was also God's will). It is so frustrating to me that this is believed by… Read more »
M Long and Anon 1:31 plus May weeks are unscriptural and a complete waste of time. I attended six of them. You see if people were honest miserable and tired. I saw a picture from last Monday the first day of this year’s meetng. KS, MG and DV all looked horrible. Just saying the truth. Was so funny to watch people fall asleep at those meetings. Really representatives of congregations who paid there way sleeping aka dosing haha at these all important meetings. What a joke many times these people who proclaim to have the Holy Spirit though they do… Read more »
Agree with all. I attended the May week of 2005, and that was a wake up experience for me. I agree with AnonymousMay 14, 2018 at 1:31 PM, "Really, discussion at May meetings boils down to 4 people getting the rest of the teachers on their page and then the teachers asking questions to make sure they understand the judgement; not questioning the actual judgement." That was exactly what I saw. One of the questions was on whether we could draw pictures of characters and animals from the Bible, like Jonah and the Whale. The answer was no, it was… Read more »
Nice to read some intelligent conversation now from former members and not all those wasted comments from MC on a thread that. Has nearly 500 replies. A year ago it was very helpful but past few weeks makes me dizzy. Keep up the good work helping those of us who need answers to our questions.
Wow Craig. MG had a very severe stroke and KS had major surgery to remove a tumor which left her face partially paralyzed. They have every right to look horrible, as if that has anything to do with anything.
I myself don't wish sickness etc on anyone. We are all going to get sick and die of course. But when I was in the church and something happened to someone who had left or a withdrawal they put the blame on God doing it on purpose or they must have not been right with God was said if the were still In the church. I heard this from more than one. What do they say when something happens to any of them still in the church that are supposedly right with God?
I also heard much talk about how God punished people with sicknesses and other bad stuff for leaving the church. Those stories become LEGENDS. I remember a certain person talking about how her in-laws house burned down and their insurance had accidentally lapsed and that that was basically because they left the church. (no gossip there!)I would hear a lot of this kind of stuff from my ex and also people who'd been in a long time. But when these things happened to members of Merie's church it was a TRIAL. I'm sure if anything happens to me or mine,… Read more »
It's really sad stupidity. I don't think they realize how ignorant they look with some of this crazy stuff.
AnonymousMay 14, 2018 at 7:23 PM You haven't shown any intelligent conversation at all, so your evaluation of what is intelligent or not is pretty meaningless. Keep flattering yourself that your anonymous spite appeals to any but the corrupt and foolish. One of the punishments for telling the truth is we have to be followed by vindictive snakes like you who make it a business to destroy the truth you never learned on your own. Not only do you not tell the truth, you hate those who do. I remember when Saul died. He tried to kill David. Yet, David… Read more »
MC – I am once again asking; not dictating, not demanding; but begging you to create your own website or blog. You can easily do this yourself by purchasing a domain name from GoDaddy.com such as LearnFromOurFounders.com (which is available; I just checked) or Read5Biographies.com is also available or PurityandVirtue.com is available. The cost is only $11.99 per year. Pick any available domain name that you like and use a free GoDaddy website template to create your site in less than one day and 'you're off to the races'. You don't have to be a computer wiz to do this;… Read more »
AnonymousMay 15, 2018 at 11:54 AM Thank you for being the Pol Pot of Kevin's site, and trying to destroy comments that are too truthful for your tastes. Thank you Kevin for helping me to set up my website. It is intended to replace the worthless rubbish that doubles as news that Americans get on hellivision, newspapers, liberal online sites, and other liberal sources. It's not for the faint of heart. http://messanonews.com/ It not only tells the news, but also tells the issues that prevent many Americans from grasping, much less applying the truth. So we do the job of… Read more »
I just don't understand you MC. You are so insulting and mean. I was truly trying to help.
Trying to help silence the voice of truth?
Exactly who in history that did good are you imitating? Let me answer for you. No one.
MC- Why would I be accused of trying to silence the voice of truth when I encouraged you to set up a website and took the time to explain how to do so. I thought my ideas for the domain names were a reflection of the message you are wanting to promote. You don’t know me and you can’t differentiate my posts from other anonymous posters with accuracy yet you accuse me of all sorts of evil. When anyone disagrees with you you come out swinging with remarks that are unkind and inflammatory, making personal and demeaning attacks. I am… Read more »
Why would you take it upon yourself to tell others to go elsewhere? No one who believed in free speech ever did that. May I recommend you learn what free speech and the First Amendment actually means? It means that everyone has the right to say what they believe, when it's virtuous and wise. Who gave you the authority to say what opinions are wanted or unwanted here? No one, that's who. Truth is always relevant. This entire blog is a protest against Stanton doing exactly what you are currently doing. Strong arming opinions that they don't like. This is… Read more »
Anon, thank you for saying what we all have been trying to say to Monty in one way or other. The problem is that he's just not reasonable. Your explanations about the specificity of what this blog was set up for and what the audience is here to do just goes over Montys big fat ego. Just ignore him. But thank you, really. It lets us know none of us is crazy in being frustrated by Monty. Kind of like when we found this blog, we realized there were others who were seeing the wrong things in the SCOC. Better… Read more »
As for we in this house we scroll right by all of them until we get to anyone who is not Monty. Keep up the good work everyone.
Or maybe just out of respect on both sides, start an MC section on this blog so we don't have to spend so much time scrolling through miles of quotes/posts etc and keep loading all of the pages. Those who are interested can go to the MC blog section to read them.
It was interesting how that SCOC started with a strictness on marriage/remarriage and a lot of people had to get divorces and some were told that they lawfully could not remarry. There were a lot of torn apart families and finances getting ripped apart by way of child support. Then, through May week it is all undone. The understandings changed and those families may have never had to split up coupled with many, who were not lawful to remarry, getting remarried. I was so confused by this as I knew of one, who had been remarried, split from their spouse,… Read more »
That would be the day when a church would TELL me to divorce my husband. What about your vows? How these marriages stay together when one is in this weird church and the other is out or attending another is amazing to me. I would say it is not really a marriage at all but a sham. How sad! I heard about cults again today on a short program and how they ruin so many lives. Be strong, have faith in God and get out and save the children.
I was one that HAD to divorce because of the church. What are their rules right now? Which rules do not allow you to stay married?
Anon 9:21
Thats exactly what I did. I left and now my children have read this blog. I would do anything it takes to keep them out of the church!
Can someone explain to me if you're not in the one true church then how does God even recognize a marriage outside of the church if he has nothing to do with us
I met a couple in Merie's church who were adopting a beautiful little baby girl. They had her for a while. Well, their marriage came into question and they separated while they figured it out. That caused them to lose the little girl after having had her quite a while.They eventually figured out their marriage was fine after a couple of years. This was in AK and that's what I was told when I asked about that sweet baby. I just wonder how many people are going to keep allowing this. That little baby lost the only parents she knew.… Read more »
They must feel so proud of themselves. I hope they have to pay for the things they have done. I wish that on them greatly. A few men ruined everything with small minds. Ugh
M Long and I bet that never bothered them one bit because they rolled their eyes at adoption and Foster Care. I couldn't believe the way they acted about foster care when I was in the church. It made me sick
What was the attitude toward foster care and adoption when you were in?
Foster care was frowned upon big time. One lady (who I assume is still in the church) basically told me to stay away and not get involved in foster care. Made me sick. Even when I was new I was smart enough not to tell these people anything that always wanted to know things. I knew a lot about the church before I ever went in and I also knew about the gossip from only being in the first week watching it. I read somewhere on here when somebody else was talking about it that they have lifted their frowning… Read more »
Anon 8:24 aww okay that’s the reason. I was making a point of how part of there righteousness is to push push and push the flesh to the point where they are really miserably tired and at meetings they fall asleep during talks. No disrespect to the three beautiful ladies.
What are the reasons why the church would make you divorce? I never heard of this other than the Catholic Church rules in regards to allowing couples marry in the church. What are the dating rules for young people who just want to go on a date? I am a family member with family involved in this church.thank you
I want to know what the rules are now to divorce/marriage because I was one affected in this church and having to divorce. I think all new members should be told of all the screw-ups this church has done from their so called Holy Spirit decisions. I can't see God standing back and giving them all the Time in the World to keep destroying families before he decides to let them know what's wrong. What a bunch of baloney
So there's a couple things I want to clarify. The couple who gave up their little girl were super nice. The problem I have is the fact that "counsel" helps make these decisions. As Kevin wrote in his post Teachers in Lieu of Elders, the teachers go around helping to make and enforce these decisions but HAVE NO QUALIFICATIONS for it, as the Bible speaks for elders in Timothy. They sit there and mock Mormons for their "elders" who are just young men, but Merie's church is no different! You have teachers who have bad fruit, might be women, might… Read more »
M Long, thank your for explaining all of that! 🙂
Does anyone know what Merie Weiss died of?
Hi all…just going through this thread kind of starts bringing back the past. I knew Merie Weiss personally. I met her when my father ran the COC in Eugene/Springfield Oregon. Merie stayed at our house a number of times. Look, im going to be straight up. You may not like it but i really dont care what anyone in the SCOC or any other part of this so called church thinks of me. I refuse to be anonymous. My name is Jude Brooks. Merie was NOT a nice person. She was oppressive and angry. She made my father tie me… Read more »
I fully believe that the reason most teachers did the crazy things they did was because they were told to. It feels good and safe to be the teacher of a congregation. Good and safe because you do the rebuking, rarely if ever get rebuked, you do the questioning, you don’t get questioned, you know the treasury is there if you need it plus you are in the special club of those who go to May meeting and you get to have the inside scoop on the goings on in your congregation and the other congregations too. You get to… Read more »
Ever notice how many times when an older one gets in trouble for oppression they get withdrawn from for just doing what they were taught to do, following the example of their teacher and being the strict teacher they were encouraged to be?
One thing I fought the preacher from the south (CS) when he got here, centered around a scenario he posed. He asked what would we do if an older, more established, member came to us and claimed that one of our children did something wrong, would we punish our child for it, even if the child denies it. Then went so far to ask if we would punish them, even though the child denies it, if the member pushed for wanting the child punished. I kept bringing out that if the child did not have a history of doing such… Read more »
I remember my father going to the May meetings. I wish i didnt. Everytime he came back from one, his punishments were EXPONENTIALLY worse on me than before. I hated it when he went, not because i would miss him, but because i always knew the punishments would get worse.
It was cancer i believe. She used to stay at our house in Springfield, Or. when i was younger. I still have pics of her with me and my family. That woman LOVED the color red!! Lol Im no longer involved with the SCOC or any other COC. Its dangerous.
I thought it was cancer too, but I wasn't sure so didn't want to say. Jude, good for you not being anonymous and telling us your story first-hand. Your voice carries a lot of weight. It underscores that this sect really wasn't ever "the truth" just because Merie said so. I just keep thinking about all those who stop to read here and how their consciences cannot be so bothered to leave a place whose founder was so evil as to tell parents to tie up their children at night. How OFF is that? What do you people have to… Read more »
BIKE tour…not bile tour…lol slip of the thumb…lol
What kind of member would even want to stay in a church like this.. It's almost scary and it disgusts me.. And the tying of the hands etc, I know two members in the church right now that have said yes that is true and they are old timers.. I almost just can't even associate them because where can a person's mind be to let something like that happen to your child because you have such fear of God.. A person has to have been born with a certain type of mind in order to even deal with something like… Read more »
Jude, I remember your mom and Dad from back in the day. Are they still together? Are they sorry for the things they put you through?
So sad how this cult and their followers destroy their families. Get the word out this is a cult and a destructive one. I can hardly bear to be around the people who are still in it I stay away from them as much as I can. Normal people can hardly believe all this….but it is true. I can see why I don’t even care about going to church. I don’t trust them but I do trust a God.
And they say they are one.. Lol.. Ya, secrets in the creepy cellar is what it reminds me of, but they will try to make light of the situation after they change their mind that it was wrong.. I watch this from someone I still know in the church . They come up with excuses.. I had a teacher that always seemed so miserable you could tell she didn't like men in her own way… One man had told her that he loved someone and she told him you don't even know what love is LOL LOL well I guess… Read more »
I myself think they would still do this to children, but in this day and age they know they would be in trouble for that. Why all the secrets of the way the church used to be before they changed their ruling on other things.. If it was the Holy Spirit leading them the whole time they shouldn't be embarrassed about it or they shouldn't have a problem talking about the past on why they did Sick Things
When Merie was in the hospital another teacher, who was close to her and tried to take her place, was teaching a lot of these things behind Merie's back. On a tap she has a list that was mad up of the things this teacher was teaching while Merie was in the hospital and was going over it saying that the tying of children was illegal and if the police ever got a hold of that list that they would be in a lot of trouble.
I would like to make something VERY CLEAR here. I came across a comment on this blog that was saying that the teachings about tying children in their bed were as such: the wrists and ankles were to be lightly tied with a soft material so as not to cause marks or cut off circulation. Now, let me tell you the TRUTH of the matter. I can personally attest to the fact that i was TIGHTLY bound around my wrists and ankes….WITH ROUGH ROPE. When the rope was tied around my wrists it would be pulled so tightly that my… Read more »
This is just plain child abuse. Was your father ever turned into CPS? What happened to your birth mother and birth father? Divorced by why and why did you have to live with these monsters? Are they still in this CULT? Did you ever get to live with your birth mother? How many children in your family? See if you can get on a talk show to tell your story. This behavior still going on?
That's what I'm saying.. there are ways to go after the church and cause them many problems if people want to put enough effort into it..
The old control freaks that still run the church need to deal with how they allowed people to be treated. Believe me when I tell you there are ways to go after them.
@anon 2:13pm…Al brooks is my birth father, his wife Rita is my step-mother. They are the ones who raised me in this cult. CPS was NEVER called as great lengths were taken to ensure that no one would ever see the marks. I was coached on every possible angle that any authorities might come at me with. I lived in total complete mind numbing fear of my father so therefore, i did as he told me too. To make a super long story short,i lived in this fear until the age of 17. I believe it was about 6 months… Read more »
Continuing… I ended up in Oklahoma and got married to my first with whom i had 2 children with. I was 22 when my daughter was born. By then, i was heavy i to every hard drug known to man basically. Crack, cocaine, meth, pills, booze, acid and much much more. 2 years later my son was born. By then both me and my wife were both heavy into drugs and partying. Our marriage started falling apart in a big way. Duh…lol. After about 12 or 13 years of being married to her we ended up splitting up because of… Read more »
M Long I couldn’t agree more. What do people have to hear to leave Merie’s church. With Jude Brooks comments and so many more throughout the blog people should be utterly disgusted and members utterly disgusted and embarrassed to their very core that they are involved in such a horrible religious organization. Cult. Makes me wonder how many more stories there are out there that have not been told. This cult needs to be exposed to all of Society. Come on members read the blog. All of the articles and comments. Your conscience will be pricked. Unless it’s not functioning… Read more »
Craig and M Long. How much was hidden from you about Merie, the early and crazy masterbation stuff, the tying children to their beds and the history behind how the ‘off church’ came to be known as such?
The only crazy touching privates I knew about was from my ex who joined in the early 80s and worshipped the ground Merie and Gary walked on. He just told me if kids were taking long showers they were up to no good. If the boys especially took long showers he was banging on the doors. I thought it was a bit much but was like better safe than sorry. The whole tying up thing I never heard about until I got on here. But because he had told me some odd things over the years and witnessed too much… Read more »
Did you ever listen to her tapes? Or did your congregation pass out copies of her writings? Were you ever told the story of Jim mikkelsen or ron woods the other evangelists? Just curious, I don’t mean to badger, I just have lots of questions.
Her tapes were so old they were hard to hear. But she sounded like the Wicked witch in Wizard of Oz. Honestly, not to be mean, that's what her voice sounded like.I never heard of Mikkelsen or Woods (what stories?). The only one I heard about was DC but that was ONLY because I found her site on my own. I was told what happened then, from counsel's point of view.Yes, my ex had copies of her writings. And those are how we found this site. I was looking for PDFs that DC has posted years ago and this site… Read more »
I first came in in 1983 and even though I did not meet Merie personally, I listened to a lot of the tapes that she was sending out, so I got to hear a lot of what she was teaching and what was going on in other congregations. The tying kids to beds came from Hazel. They were making children go to bed wearing mittens and they made the so afraid to touch themselves to go to the bathroom that the kids, especially boys, would go with their hands in the air. I personally have copies of a lot of… Read more »
I know DC in 1983. Portland was having a lot of problems, like Eugene and Tacoma. Almost all of Tacoma's preachers and teachers were withdrawn from for false teaching and some for murmuring. The main preacher and teacher in Portland were withdrawn from. DC and a preacher named David Bonstien (sp), his mother is still in the church, were sent to Portland for a while and they came up to Tacoma once a week. They established the 1st Friday classes at Portland that involved all three congregations. David fell back into one of his old sins and left the church.… Read more »
Lynn MM, the entire foundation of what Merie started was off. She was withdrawn for what many others would eventually over time be withdrawn for. HC or anyone else who taught such corrupt things you have to take it back to the leader Merie and the others. They should’ve called the police. This cult is not above the law though they obviously think they are. I also heard it said not to spank your children to hard if they have an upcoming doctors appointment. You don’t want bruises to be seen. That was long after HC. That’s on GP, TC… Read more »
I'm sure their children are secretly so proud to have parents like them.. And the Hypocrites that they are they probably raised theirs differently behind the scenes.. I know if they didn't, that as Grandparents they wouldn't get near my children… Do the mother's still proudly carry these Wooden Spoons.. LOL.. Lovely just lovely
And if they are teaching them not to bruise before a doctor appointment etc then what they are doing is illegal, as by law you cannot leave a mark on your child. That's why I say they all should have the nice visit from CPS just to explain their ways.
Craig, does your wife know about the child abuse? Connections on/to the internet can really get this kind of stuff going to the public and read etc about the church if a person really wants it to happen. I was in the church not very long but lived with someone that was in the church for many years that had left and came back. I knew so much of the sickness of this church before I even went into it. I was dumb enough for a while to listen to their excuses of why things happened. But my mind was… Read more »
Are they still teaching to have the boys pee without touching themselves?
Correction…… I wonder if boys are still scared etc if they are not actually taught this but just become afraid still. Being in the church itself is what makes people go crazy.
Merie Weiss was aware of my father tying me in the bed. She stood in my bedroom watching him tie me up. She did nothing to stop him. He was never rebuked or withdrawn from either. I can draw the conclusion that she condoned his actions because he suffered no punishment for his actions.
Jude, I read this comment and my jaw just dropped. That was the one thing people from this sect were holding onto- that Merie DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT THE TYING OF CHILDREN TO THEIR BEDS. Your testimony here verifies that she in fact knew and condoned it! You know, Merie might be dead now and this particular practice may have stopped, but people all across this cult are still mentally tied to bed posts. They are being held down by GP, PP, LS, TC with rules, threats of disconnection, deceits, brainwashing, etc. For those of you in Merie's church… How can… Read more »
This is the type of minds in the church No love. I can't imagine letting this stuff happen and staying in the church to try to get to heaven. Can you imagine what it's like to live with that type of mind.. Haha..I'd rather go to a dark place than be involved with this wicked church . The very first time I heatd merie screaming in a talk that was posted on the internet I knew she was a true wack job. Brainwashing screaming I actually laughed . I'm happy without that fear .
Anon 8:08 well said M Long. The only thing about Merie I heard about after I got wet was how great she was. A ton of Merie said. How Merie was unscripturally withdrawn from and some more blah blah blah about her. I’d never of given that place a second of my time if id heard the truth about them. They are very secretive of what they don’t tell and tell there new recruits. We know that GP fears cult members will read this blog. Well it’s easily understood why. So much evil, past and present.
I was never told she was withdrawn from once, much less 3 times!
Jude Brooks thank you for your comments. I’m saddened to hear of all you were subjected too because of the cults teachings and tactics. Very disturbing. Awesome you have been clean and sober since 2008. Congratulations!! I’d be interested in collaborating with you on any information I can provide you with concerning the cult. Writing a book would be wonderful at helping exposing this cult. Hopefully the media will get involved as well. You can text or email anytime. 360-721-2353 or craigcusick52@gmail.com.
Oops correction on my phone number. 1-360-721-2352
Hey Craig. How are you? I would really like to collaborate with you bro. My phone # is 415.724.2815
Email: brokenfeatherartgallery@gmail.com
You can also find me on facebook u der Jude Twofeathers Brooks. Cant wait to talk to you bro.
Hello Jude. Absolutely I’ll be in contact with you.
Did any other kids raised in this church remember the face test? It was brought to my family from DWC but basically if both sides of your face were not identical then you were unclean.
I rememember having a piece of paper held up to each side of my face and later us kids going in the mirror to figure out what they were talking about.
I can verify that DWC did that (comparing each side of a person’s face) in Montana while she lived there.
Hi Jude, I remember you from when I was a kid at Stanton. I just wanted to chime in and verify all the ritualized abuse of children stories. They had a manual and everything! There was a special Sunday school class for the “unclean” children. It was brutal. To my recollection there was a gal in Spring Valley that headed up the abuse. Hazel somebody. Years later I asked how could Merie allow all that to happen to the kids, the answer given was that she didn’t know. I find that hard to believe as it sure wasn’t hidden. Ironically,… Read more »
I fully believe that the reason most teachers did the crazy things they did was because they were told to. It feels good and safe to be the teacher of a congregation. Good and safe because you do the rebuking, rarely if ever get rebuked, you do the questioning, you don’t get questioned, you know the treasury is there if you need it plus you are in the special club of those who go to May meeting and you get to have the inside scoop on the goings on in your congregation and the other congregations too. You get to… Read more »
They were under the spell just like the cult of Mormans and J.W. And Jim Jones and Scientology. Freaky,
Why on earth would the parents agree to this child abuse. As for teachers doing the “crazy things because they were told to” didn’t they have any common sense or a brain that God gave them? It is so hard to understand how people fall into this trap for so many years and finally a few get out. I still have family inside and am trying to expose them on a daily basis.
It was Hazel Capell.
Yes, there is a tape out there where Merie goes over that list of what Hazel was teaching and Merie admitted that if the police ever got a hold of that list they would probably arrest them.
Hazel used to try to keep people away from Merie while she was in the hospital and let everybody think what she was teaching was from Merie herself. It all got exposed and there is a tape out there of Hazel confessing what she did behind Merie's back.
Some of the members (if not all) think the internet is the devil's toy. Again there comes something out of one man's mouth that the Sheep follow along with. But I can guarantee you if anything destroys them it will be the internet for the most, and I'd be willing to put 24/7 in to make it happen
As a child I remember listening to Merie tapes.. over and over, at the house, in the car, etc her voice still grates in my head. The shrill yelling and pounding on the table. There was one that sticks out to me right now of her teaching about the kids of the church and how they need to be monitored and kept in line. Don't spare the rod etc. I remember as a child thinking that she must hate kids and I remember asking my mom why.Now from what I hear, her tapes are no longer distributed- interestingly enough since… Read more »
I feel like my previous comment about teachers doing what they are told to do sounds like an excuse for evil. I don’t believe there is any excuse for the horrible abuse Jude suffered.
@Lynn mm. I can tell you without a doubt that when Merie Weiss came to our house one time she stood right in my room behind my father watching him tie me in bed. After he was done she made sure herself that i was tied in tight. So i think that Merie made Hazel confess.
Hazel's husband was in the Navy and her son grew up to commit murder. It is sad that so much evil can come from one person. When i was in in the 2000's word was received that Hazel wanted to come back and the loving Christians said no, we will not forgive her!
@DoraP….i would be remiss if i failed to mention one of the rules about having bicycles as a kid in the cult….we were only allowed to have "banana" seats as the regular seats might cause to much "stimulation" as it were. Smh….the stupidity. I just cant.
Jude, thanks. I was questioned by her once. I was all of eleven. It was awful. Anon 6:37 you make a good point about teachers feeling more in control. My mom was not a teacher, but she struggled with being accepted by others all her life. She later found out she had dyslexia and I would bet a paycheck she had other issues as well. I remember being at fellowships and the other moms would talk about ideas for disciplining kids; things like holding books out parallel to the floor, looking at the ceiling. She would take those ideas and… Read more »
@DoraP…I cannot even BEGIN to tell you how many times, AS A VERY YOUNG CHILD, 5-12 years old…that i had to stand naked in the middle of the room, arms outstreched to the side, with a world book encyclopedia in each hand looking at the stupid ceiling. If my arms even began to drop, i would get beat with a belt or a switch unlil i bled. And i do mean BLED. Constantely getting backhanded and flying across the room, smashing into walls. There were times i hurt so bad i couldnt even move. At which point, they would start… Read more »
Jude, I'm so sorry for what you have been through. Is he still in the church as a member? What does GP have to say for himself over all this? I think the church should be exposed. I'm willing to help you all that I can. I was married to somebody that is still in the church
In answer to your question anonymous. Al fell away when i was still in high school. He and my mom were withdrawn from for "murmuring" along with Steve and Carol Carrol. I believe Steve and Carol are in either Portland or Tacoma, still in the COC. As far as GP and what he thinks or has to say…doesnt matter. I promise you, i am going to make it my mission to destroy this cult. We need people to stand up and come forward and expose the evil that has been done. My phone # is 415.724.2815Email: brokenfeatherartgallery@gmail.com I would really… Read more »
@Jude Please take the time you need away from this site to get back to equilibrium. One thing I've learned in therapy is to stop remembering when it gets too intense bc for me it takes me to a place where I legit need to stay in bed or hide in a closet- this way of 'coping' started back when I was maybe 7 or 8. Probably around the time I was cognitively aware that it wasn't my actions that got me in trouble. It was something called uncleanness inside of me that showed up in the way I walked,… Read more »
I totally get your anxiety. I find that pulling these things to the forefront of my mind produces an inordinate amount of anger. I still have panic attacks and ive gotten violently ill as well. This isnt the kind of stuff that anybody should ever have to deal with. There is a positive aspect to this though…by speaking up and putting accountability on these predators could quite possibly prevent anymore children from being abused. Its tough i know but if we continue to support each other it will give us strength. I find that going for a bicycle ride really… Read more »
Steve and Carol are in Tacoma. I liked they. They were good to me.
Jude your story about holding heavy books out as punishment and all I bet is true because I know one of the preachers here in SA used to do that to his sons. I'm not saying a the other stuff too but it's just interesting how these ideas get passed along the congregations. Someone comes up with some punishment and everyone else follows suit. For example, I noticed spanking spoons showing up at our building back room after one who had moved down from AK brought hers with her. Suddenly everyone was doing that back there. What caught my eye… Read more »
@ M Long…But see, thats the thing. I know that most of the cult leadership were very WELL aware of what was happening. I have had a chance over the years to re-connect with 4 of the kids i grew up with in eugene and though they were abused as well, it absolutely paled in comparison to what was happening with me. Ive also had a chance to re-connect with some of the kids that grew up in portland, tacoma, boise, alameda, spring valley, and Stanton and they were all able to relate to me that yes, the abuse was… Read more »
I daresay that because of your liberal and permissive attitudes, you have forgotten that when you spare the rod, you spoil the child. You must be mindful that disciplining children is the job of the parents, and they know best to what level and degree. it is not for others to step in and dictate how to carry out such a sacred and important duty!
And to boot telling them how to have sex with the 6 inch rule.. Now that one takes the cake.. Hahahhaaaa
Why a church should be involved with sex at all between a husband and a wife amazes me. Are you suppose to take a ruler to bed with you? My what a turn on but then again because emotions are suppressed I doubt if they ever get turned on . Why the big families? MYbe the ruler works? Crazy. I know some people in this church and they put on a Good front I must say. Could have fooled me. If only they would read this blog.
I know of two for sure that are in the church full-time that are reading this blog.. I talk to them personally and they have said the only reason they're in the church is to play the game to keep their family
Me too. I am going because of family. I’ve been in the church a long time and have not believed it for a long time. Sad but true.
Yep, I think old GP himself would be quite amazed how many are reading this that are still in the church for family reasons only. I laugh how someone preaching tells me they know everything that goes on in the church. I really really have to laugh at that. The Smart Ones know how to play the game
Smart ones meaning to me, those that have grown up in this church lol.. we never had the blind time of not knowing stuff and only attending non-members class. Getting fed stuff bit by bit until we're 'ready'. We know the nitty gritty from the beginning, and sometimes much more then we even want to know smh.
I am wondering why you stay if you don't believe in it? I'm not trying to bash or anything but I am just kind of surprised people would stay with all their rules and be unhappy? Would you mind being more specific, other than just saying for family? I was disconnected too but slowly some are coming around and talking to me. Time heals so much. Even if they hadn't, I would never go back. I just can't knowingly give up my freedoms for anyone, especially if they go against my conscience. Life goes by too quickly and I don't… Read more »
The 2 that I talk to regularly I can not explain more than family reasons as that would give them away. Myself I don't agree and I have told them this, but this is what they choose to do. Believe me when I tell you the head honchos are reading this blog. They need to stay on top of everything that is being said about them
I believe the more the church fills with second generation members and there are now third generation members the more people will stay in and go through the motions. The pull is strong, let me tell you. Who wants to be the evil fallen away one of a large group of family who see each other on almost a daily basis. Plus you know they constantly talk about anything fallen away members do or don’t do.
I would not play games when it comes to God, church and family. I would have an ulcer and other health problems if I continued to attend and then read this blog and found out the truth about “the one true church”. When you think about it this is not healthy. Maybe some do it because they are not mentally healthy in the first place as so any members have health issues , low education and disabilities. I learned a long time ago if I wanted to get well I had to walk over the bridge and leave some behind… Read more »
Children in the attic is what it reminds me of and secrets in the cellar. Pure sick/creepy . I'm sickened to my stomach for real that I was ever a part of this church and lived with someone who is in it. Thank all goodness my boys got to see this blog before they got sucked in!
Jude, I assume Merie Weiss did not ask your forgiveness for being part of and witnessing you being tied up? If not, then… Anon thanks for the explanations. I am with you that I would be sick if I read this blog and still stayed in. This blog was the catalyst for me, and though I read it for about 2 weeks before I left, I was sick to my stomach during that time! I was sick to my stomach after I left too when JG taught against speaking to me that next Sunday morning and when so many I… Read more »
In my opinion when you are in a small church where so many are related and no new people attend or if they do they do not stay there can be a problem. As you say like a family with incest. When you hear the same dull sermons over and over and with the same small group of people with no new ideas or no knowledge of current events no wonder they stay. They are afraid to branch out and fly. And for heaven sakes no further education as they may learn something and meet new people. Get out people!… Read more »
DoraP, wow so sorry for all that you had to go through being amongst and subject to the ways of Merie’s cult. What was taught in Portland by one, is if you make a mistake disciplining your child, do not ask there forgiveness for it. I never agreed with that comment which I thought was stupid and made no sense. Not sure if it was a Portland teaching, cult wide or just her opinion. Never the less as they always said the children were the future of that church. Yet you couldn’t give them the respect to ask there forgiveness… Read more »
Craig, did she give a reason not to ask forgiveness?
And that mind comes from something loose inside. Why does a person like that even think they are right? There are minds that will never be fully intact and people can't see that? And then they tell others what to do. Lol some of the people in the church I saw were highly disturbed and part of it I'm sure was the way they were brought up and what was in bedded into their minds. I lived with someone in the church like that. I'd like to see someone tell me how to parent lol
They should all have a visit from CPS so they can explain their so called WAYS
In Tacoma they believed that you didn't educate you children to know and distinguish between right and wrong, but you make them do what you told them. I raised mine with discernment and they are all adults and still have it.
As a former and adult (as my parents are still members) child of this church, I would really like a space on this site to share parts of my past I'm still trying to make sense of. I've been in therapy for a couple years now but there's still that missing piece of talking with someone that can identify with where I'm coming from. Maybe this question is for the creator of the site- Kevin. I'm now a parent and I'm afraid I will pass on things that have become a part of me, no matter how hard I try… Read more »
Each person can create a space for their own story like some have done on here. I'm not sure if Kevin has to create that link for you or not though?
I understand your self doubts and concern against abuse as I have had them myself. The SCOC did not teach principles or precepts of behavior from a fixed point of reference such as the ten commandments which were written in stone and thus would never change, but every behavior was right and acceptable or wrong and unacceptable based upon the whims and moods of leadership. In the love bombing phase everything was right and acceptable but in the control and enslavement phase every behavior was wrong and unacceptable. As each leader grew in power so did their self empowering judgement… Read more »
@Lynn mm. I can ABSOLUTELY verify what you said about Chuck Tenant. I Remember ahortly after Lynda Tenant got to our house in Eugene from Montana, Chuck ended up at our house as well for a short visit. I remember, very clearly, him stating quite loudly in my father Al's face saying he didnt NEED to study because God gave him divine wisdom. Smh. Im not sure why Lynda was ever sent to Oregon from Montana but i know there were spies throughout the entire COC.
Just isn't right. He had no fear of God,
It should be noted that Chuch Tenant was very large physically and used his large size to intimidate others.
In learning wisdom you learn that intelligence is the ability to make distinctions. The greater the intelligence the finer the distinctions that can be made. Learning to distinguish between good and evil is the first distinction a Christian makes. Marriage is honorable but adultery, fornication, and whoremongering are dishonorable but a relationship exists in all categories. Leadership in any organization can be honorable or dishonorable depending upon the behaviors. Once distinctions are made then a person has to be taught to care about the differences such as good people care about others, and evil people care only about themselves and… Read more »
How does one make the distinction between a good spiritual leader like Jesus Christ and an evil spiritual leader like the pharissees? One way is to take I Corinthians 13:4-8 The characteristics of love and apply them to the leaders behavior. Did Christ suffer long with his followers? Did the Pharisees suffer long with their followers? Was Christ kind to his followers? Were the Pharisees kind to their fellow Jews? Did Christ envy others? Did the Pharisees envy Christ? Was Christ puffed up? Were the Pharisees puffed up? With each and every characteristic of love you can see it in… Read more »
Anon 7:58 I wanted to make sure I quoted the one concerning not asking forgiveness to your children if for example you discipline them by mistake. I asked some others if they remember. One did remember it being said. Asked my wife too. Lol. No one could remember the reason for sure why it was said. I don’t want to misquote the cult follower that said it but it was along the lines of showing your child weakness. If anyone remembers more please add to my comment.
Can anyone verify the year the arrogant GP became a haha evangelist? Does anyone know if he and PP were involved in the anti-masturbation crusade of tying children to bed posts and other disgusting methods? Do these abusers understand they did these children more harm? Have they asked forgiveness for the child abuse? If they knew this was taking place and did nothing about it they are GUILTY.
I Timothy 4:1-4 Paul warns us about doctrines of devils specifying the forbidding to marry and the commanding to abstain from meats. Forbidding to marry has many applications such as the Catholics who forbid their clergy, the priests and nuns, to marry, David Koresh with his branch dividians said no one could be married but him and took every other man's wife as his own; another form of forbidding his members to be married. It does not matter if it is one person or a group within an organization or all members it is still forbidding to marry and when… Read more »
A good example of forbidding to marry is not allowing singles or particularly single moms to meet others from the opposite sex if they are not in Merie's church. There are very very limited men available particularly for single moms and the sect demanding that they can only talk to someone in their group is tantamount to forbidding to marry. But then one goes on to fornication and they are quick to withdraw when they are the ones who set up that situation. Better to marry than to burn is yet another scripture they ignore in many circumstances.
M Long great points. Also in Portland there were available men but according to the hypocrite preacher MM they were never spiritually ready to be married. They were lucky to meet his criteria to court. I’d rather call it date. Funny though his brother who had been fallen away for years cane back to the cult in a dating situation. His gf was baptized poor girl and were married within about a year or so. I guess they were spiritually compatible and ready for marriage Lol in MM eyes. There were others who left the cult because they forbidden to… Read more »
I always wondered about all the young men over the years who seemed to stay single. And what right does anyone have to say who one should date unless you are underage and it is your parents. I would love to be a mouse in the corner at one of these so called services and ask some questions afterwards.
Craig… Unreal! I have no liking for that guy. Not even from day 1 lol..
And Oh my heck LOL LOL just leave the church for a while and find some outside dude/gal to marry and you both can go back in the church.. Problem solved LOL
Marriage as a man in the SCOC is not any better for men than for the women. I was single when I got baptized and there were several women in the congregation who were divorced with children but not free to marry. These single moms who were not free to marry gave me a lot of attention, cooking me food, listening to me etc., for the first three and half years I was a member until I got married. A strange thing happened after I got married these single moms who were not free to marry and were so kind… Read more »
That's pretty much what a lot of us do. I left but for different reasons and then found my husband while I was out cuz I wasn't about to go back in single or I'd have stayed that way forever.
I found a GREAT man, provider, father, etc. He's not perfect but I guarantee you I can find less perfect men in Merie's church. And I wasn't about to sit there and compete for a single man as a mom with all the available single girls. Pffft.
Reading through these posts re: the single men is giving me the heeby jeebies. I remember from the age 13? 14+ men giving me the eye so that they could keep me in mind for when I became of age so to speak. I had some very uncomfortable times.. think Hollywood #metoo movement type where men were so desperate for attention and hope for marriage that they looked at innocent teenage girls. Innocent bc I was super sheltered and didn't know up from down really. But it still gives me chills. Then to have other adult members say things to… Read more »
Hmm I wonder how fast MM Jr will be approved to marry now.. will he have to wait as long as the other single men have or will he get the expedited version like his uncle? ��
Anon 7:20. He’ll get special privileges. Including marriage. Still on FB. Oh that’s right he owns a business so it’s okay just like daddy. Even though he asks his worldly haha buddies if they are going quading for the weekend. Just a bit outside of doing business on FB. Oh well he’s a good kid. His momma taught him well. Hoping he catches wind of this blog. He shook my hand at the grocery store back in February when I bumped into him. And initiated the handshake. Real excited to see me. Maybe he can teach the other cult members… Read more »
Just plain weird about the singles and courting rules.
Anon 5:5. Did I read this right you went back after two years? Why on Earth Would You? When you talk about adultery I imagine losing a spouse to another person is like losing a spouse to a cult. At first you are in denial and isolation, anger or bargaining, or depressed and then finally acceptance and then you move on….or even repeat some of the stages until God heals your heart again
Yes two years in withdraw but only made it about eight month after coming back from withdraw. Every other member who came back from withdraw got a welcome back fellowship I got nothing. The teaching preacher was polite to me for about a week then started avoiding me not taking any phone calls from me for a full six months. The is little to no difference between withdrawal and full fellowship after having gone through a withdrawal under the teaching preacher from Albuquerque.I always wondered why the teaching preacher from Albuquerque choose to fall away rather than go through a… Read more »
Anon 826, I too went back after 2 years of leaving/withdrawal (for continuing a relationship with my then first husband, a marriage deemed unscriptural.) Why did I go back to Merie's church? That is a good question. I think there are 2 main reasons. First, because at the time I sincerely felt this was Christ's church, and so I never even visited elsewhere, and when I wanted to come back to God that's where I felt I would find Him. Second, because I went back into sin and pretty much proved to myself and others that when you leave there,… Read more »
It amazes me how the so called top dogs get to be such Hypocrites and find excuses to do what they re doing.. Facebook would be one example….Treating adults like children….I know two members that have gone so far as to get Facebook under different names and that is really sad.. and the top dogs never really have to struggle and then dictate to others. And others let them is the part that amazes me more.. Ugh
Anon 6:46
I must agree.. "barf"… those are men I would in no way want.. I can't even imagine haha
Very limited selection field!! I only really liked maybe five single women when I was in Stanton.
Both turned out to have feminist tendencies, and I thank my lucky stars I didn't marry them, because I'm pretty sure I'd be hunkered down in the corner of a housetop somewhere if I had.
I know of few Transformed wives in Stanton, and plenty of wives who aren't transformed at all.
I am from the Traditional Generation or some like to call it the Silent Generation. I was born in 1940 and my Mother in 1908. My mother was a “housewife” as they called them in those days who occasionally got a part time job to help out in the summer at the local cannery. She loved it and liked having a little extra $$ for the family. My dad worked 6 days a week. I had a job almost all of my 47 years of marriage but was still hanging onto most Traditional Values. I missed out on a lot… Read more »
Anon 12:10. I was attending a church of Satan when I was attending Merie’s cult.
Trying to wrap this around my head. Just with the evil of the child abuse that was done within Merie’s cult. The horrible example of tying your child to bed posts to prevent masturbation. That alone and Merie herself the founder of the cult had knowledge and witnessed this being done and even gave instructions on what to do. Would God really be amongst them. Christ really commune with them. Was the Holy Spirit guiding them to do such evil. Of course not. If they ever which they didn’t but if they had the candlestick wouldn’t it of been quenched… Read more »
They will justify anything because they can't live with the fact that they are wrong
And the people that do this and even allow it and justify it, they think they know what love is but they have no idea.
And Craig, The tying up did happen because I confronted a member about it and their answer was "well haven't you ever done anything wrong". I almost fell on the ground. I told them that that isn't even considered doing something wrong it is sick and sadistic
Anon 9:53 I agree with you’re reply not only is it sick and sadistic it’s torture. This was being done to children. Just incredible that those including Merie who practiced or knew about the tying children to bed posts at night to prevent masturbation was okay to do. Did they think God approved. Just really proves how off Merie and her cult was and continues to be off. Merie was a sick minded person to think and allow that practice to take place in her cult. That sick mindset is still withen her cult. Maybe not that practice but just… Read more »
Looking at some notes I had taken over the last few months of attending Merie’s cults functions. An older member who knew Merie shared that the Church of Christ’s motto referring to Merie’s cult of course that there motto is to speak where the Bible speaks and be silent where the Bible is silent. That statement left me smh. Yes such as tie your children to bedposts to prevent masturbation. Bible speaks of torturing your children huh? Well this is the same member who said the first person they wanted to see in heaven was Merie. Lol
Another cult is being exposed on TV news and in People Magazine for your information. You can also read about it online under Tony Alamo. Enjoy your weekend everyone!
There are over 4000 known cults operating in the USA today and what is important is not that there is another cult being exposed but to understand cult methods. All cults use deceptive recruiting tactics, if you knew up front that you were going to be used as a mule would you really accept the invitation to join their brotherhood, family, group? The cult I was a part of taught financial irresponsibility to self and family and rather to serve the leader first and somehow God would provide, but what really happened was that everything I had was taken away… Read more »
Alright who is starting a new blog about Merie's cult? Nothing there yet but the site is set up. The name is great! Especially since she is the founder of this cult!
Anon 12:14 awesome more exposure!!
Exposing secrets of Merie’s cult on one blog will be interesting. Real easy to find just google Merie Weiss and you’ll find it. Hopefully up and running soon.
Craig, are you doing this blog? Should put other names to come up in google too.. Lol
Anon 9:27 It’s not my creation but I’ll certainly contribute to exposing secrets about Merie’s cult. Great idea more names would be good.
I agree that names of preachers n teachers and cities should be posted so that people they meet at personal work can see what they're REALLY about. Also so the others already in can just do a search and find them. That's the one rule I wish Kevin didn't have because the younger generations are not learning about Merie Weiss, just her teachings. They probably don't even know how to spell her name. But they'll know Gary Preman, Tom Cornforth, Dominic Sorino, etc. Someone needs to compile a list and post it online for easier searches. It's fair to name… Read more »
He registers the church as a non profit for taxes I think also. I saw that online under GP address. But correct me if I'm wrong..
I also believe in the preaching names being put out there on another site. I see no reason not to. They shouldn't have anything to fear about it and should be proud of the mess they created. I remember MM in Portland told me he didn't make a point to tell people that he preached. I laughed to myself. It's a good thing if people know all of this in a Google search!
Be careful that by doing this you cannot be charged with slander or some other legal charge. I am not sure how it all works but would not like to see any of you in legal trouble for telling the truth.
Can't charge someone with slander for posting their names and titles /roles in the cult. They'd have to prove that what you're saying is not true so there's no issue there.
Besides, any legal suit would immediately call more attention to their cult. They certainly wouldn't want that kind of attention!
Ok ….sounds good!
Slander is verbal, libel is written. Printing names and persecuting them can also attract sympathy and more followers, persecution is what caused Paul to flee into the next city and spread his message to more and more people. Calling attention to the abusive behaviors is wiser as it is more difficult to deny, calling attention to the abuser allows them the opportunity to defend themselves and recruit more members to themselves, the bully/victim routine works well for the evil.
An interesting study is apathy. Apathy which is a lack of emotional response or interest, or flat response, or no response can be seen in the description of the Jews of Christ's day seeing they did not see, hearing they did not percieve. The Jews were under occupation by the Romans and they were being oppressed which might have been the cause of their symptoms of depression namely apathy; the Christ had finally come and few seem to care. The Apostles who were under the same oppression were not depressed and apathetic as seen by their immediate response to the… Read more »
Couple that with indifference. You can a lot of the in the church. The church breaks the scriptures of Matt 25 all the time and their indifference is what is causing them to be indifferent to seeing it. TC admitted that he was indifferent towards Christians and nobody even batted an eye about it. He said that it isn't within him to be empathetic towards others nor consider them. The whole purpose of the church is that we be there for each other. These scriptures a just right out their door. If you look to these verses, as we are… Read more »
Thank you Lynn. As I study people under oppression such as those in the Soviet union I see similar behaviors, that is most under oppression become indifferent and apathetic about most things in life but a few learn to cope with oppression and prosper. Keeping the authority figure happy is the center of most of the oppressed lives, few think about keeping God happy. I too was shunned when I tried to discuss scriptures at fellowship and had to endure one man who talked about motoroil nonstop at the fellowships he attended, it made me cringe to hear that I… Read more »
Was there ever any laughing, relaxing and enjoying one another’s company over having a meal together and the children playing or just more of the boring drab conversations led by the preacher or teacher? Our fellowships are uplifting conversations some things referring to God but lots of laughter,good food and relaxing. Something to look forward to rather than dread.
Of course there was laughing, relaxing, and enjoying each others' company. We spent a majority of time together so they become your family. I understand some having negative memories but to paint a picture of only having dry, boring fellowships and get togethers is a bit extreme, in my opinion anyway. Fellowships and meetings are the best! And yes, many people in the church have been (or are currently) oppressive but I'll be daring to say that a majority are the nicest, most honest you will find. Hands down. This post may not be the popular view on here, but… Read more »
Each congregation has its own unique personality, usually molded after its founding leader. The congregation I was in has had a long history of oppression since it planting in 1976. Other congregations have histories of continous oppression, learning to cope and prosper under oppression is a much needed skill. In totalitarian groups secrecy is a form of protection from abuse, the less the abusers know the less harm they can do. Some congregation none of the men will counsel with the teaching preacher and the leaders wonder why, not realizing they do more harm than good with their self glorifying… Read more »
Sex life gossip refers to the discussions that revolve around uncleanness.
The problem is that it still exists and nobody is doing anything about it. In the seriousness of what Christianity is you can't have this just because in some areas it doesn't exist. Remember the seven churches in Revelation. Yes, they had things they were doing right, but were told they need to fix that which isn't. There was no scale allowed to where you can have negative things as long as positive is present. You are right, there have been times that the conversations have been good and people happy, but the other times do exist. That may be… Read more »
At anon jun 12 2:47pm. The only laughing i remember is when the adults were bullying me as a kid. I remember one teacher in particular who had played semi-pro or college baseball before he got baptized was throwing 75-80mph pitches with a baseball, not a softball…at me and laughing because i was scared of getting hit with the ball. I think that was arou d 6th grade for me.
Going back to slander, I’m being slandered every day this cult continues to call me a member. Continue to expose the bullies and abusers. These people will not get sympathy or more followers by exposing them and getting there names out there.
With fellowships and meetings I agree with anon 4:33 there were certainly good times and laughter. Many are great people and I made a lot of friends. The problem is there mindset is molded after Merie Weiss and her cronies now being GP, PP, TC and KS plus many others in leadership roles. And as Jude stated all is not good at fellowships. Children sit through boring worships and classes. Some congregations may not let them do much at fellowships. Oppressive.
Anon 4:33 kind words from you concerning followers of the cult. Outwardly they can look just fine but these people are deceived in what they are following. Honest they want to appear but really they are not being true to themselves. Making the comments at doors as they attempt to get people to attend is not being honest. They really pull it all stops to get visitors to come. And when they teach the one and only true church that is far from an honest claim.
Its absolutely true that each church's actions were molded around the way the leader was. Example: my father Al led the Eugene congregation. So, since he made it very clear to me that i have no say because, in his OWN words, "this (household) is a dictatorship." He ran the church the same way. Hellfire and brimstone, screaming and yelling. Soooo, yeah…no good memories really from the church. Now, when i wasnt around the church or my father, yes, i was happy.
Similar to any communist country a few enjoy all the privlidges that life can offer, that is the communist party members and saw no evil in communism because they did not suffer like slaves as did most of the population. A few in the Merie group too live like kings and queens and enjoy all the privlidges of elite status while the rest suffer in silence, and see no evil in oppression as they were the oppressors. I choose to live in poverty and to know the suffering of the oppressed and have helped them in times past to cope… Read more »
I don’t understand why these friends shun one another when the person leaves the church similar to the Amish and thus splits families apart. Is this really biblical or just another twisted man made rule of the evil church?
I would like to know about this also from some of you Seems ridiculous to me as I thought we are to love one another as God loves us. My teachings are so different than the oppression you all have been under thank goodness!
Many in the SCOC and other churches like it truly believe that it's the best way to get people to change. Some either grew up in the church thinking it's normal or are taught not to question it and are too scared to speak up. This is why websites like this, as well as others that identify and expose cult behaviors are important. Some of things taught in the SCOC are nearly identical to other abusive religions. There are even places that explain in detail why these things are wrong and have whole lists of cult churches to avoid that… Read more »
▶ Good one!!!
There is no slander in naming the leaders/church etc into Google…not at all..it's all truth. I could plaster this all over Facebook and YouTube and nothing can happen. And I wouldn't care even if it did.
Anon 8:47
So true on some living all privileges of life. It's almost funny.. And they will also say they understand what it's like to live the opposite lol.. Ya, sure they do lol
One of the main differences between the SCOC and other religions is that the SCOC requires works of their members and most other religions dont but have two classes of people the clergy and the lay people. The clergy is required to attend formal education called seminary or something similar the SCOC has no formal requirements but expects each member to become a preacher or for the women a teacher, no one in the SCOC is allowed to remain as a lay person everyone is expected to take on responsibility at some point. With no formal training members are expected… Read more »
Anon 9:04 you have written an excellent description of how the SCOC system works!
Agreed, which is why it doesn't work as well as God intended it to. They have many ascending to the pulpit who aren't fit to be preaching/teaching. There are different offices/roles that need to be fulfilled and every man being a preacher can make it harder to do that. Scripture teaches that everyone has different skills and gifts to be used in different areas. (Ephesians 4: 11-16, 1 Corinthians 12: 28-31, 1 Timothy 3, Titus 1, Acts 6) Pastors/bishops would primarily teach and feed the flock spiritually. Deacons would primarily help with other physical and emotional needs like helping with… Read more »
I could be wrong on different points but I think the general description is correct. In each church there are actually two churches. The smaller group is the insiders who dominate and control the group as a whole much like the pharisees and the larger group is the outsiders who often times have no idea of what is being done to them, either for good or for bad. The larger group, the outsiders are kept ignorant, or in the dark about the decisions made concerning their own lives and about the direction choosen by leadership for the church. Your life… Read more »
Anon 904, 528: you are on point. The sect absolutely runs as you describe. They might preach that the way they are organized is scriptural, but it is not. Their setup does lead to the men being pressured to preach no matter what other responsibilities they might have. And yes if single for the most part you had better look like you're on your way to preaching some day or your not going to be counseled to be able to seriously talk to someone (unless you are TC's son or another privileged person). It's so sad that they can control… Read more »
Anon 8:25 perfectly said. They are in a dire need for men and preachers. I know Portland has no one qualified to lead a congregation and it’s been like that for two decades. Funny yes certain families are favored.
For myself I have learned to trust the scriptures and not man. When I study and I find a bad character trait I now assume that I have it and need to work on it. When the scriptures mention the evil eye I assume that I have the evil eye and seek to understand what it is and how to remove it. When the scriptures mention to beware of the leaven of Herod and the Pharisee's, which is hypocrisy I assume that I have the leaven of hypocrisy and seek to understand it and remove it, when the scriptures says… Read more »
Many times in every church the leaders or insiders as you call them have some sort of disgrace or person within the group that has sinned and the congregation finds out about it. It is revealed and they are dismissed from their leadership role because of their sins. Adultrey is the big one. I personally have been a so called insider in one church for many years but after changing churches I now am a outsider and I much prefer it that way. Quite funny to watch at times the insiders or leaders doing their job and people who so… Read more »
The preacher from Albuquerque publicly admitted that a few insiders are controling the church but justified it saying that everyone else wanted to be an insider. What he failed to add was that the insiders were controlling the organzation for their own profit at the rests ecpense. I look at the behaviors of the insiders and think what wicked people who would want to belong to a group consisting of sowers of discord, felony child abusers, a pedaphile, liars and thieves? I would rather be a poor and lowly Christian than join that club of insiders. The insiders do enjoy… Read more »
Changing subjects but I need some help. I don't know if I will survive another "Stand". There has been three significant stands in the past 5 years. The first was provided to me very lovingly by an email that turned into a later conversation full of reasoning for the stand. The second was with a little bolder, even argumentative. The third was simply in a statement form with absolutely no debate at all. All three were not the simple little stands like keeping a class date. So they were very profound. I am fully vested in my marriage for decades… Read more »
Anon 629…your description is a bit vague but it sounds like there have been at least 3 instances in which you had to make a "stand". Did you make them FOR the sect or AGAINST the sect? Your conclusion implies that you are no longer a believer in Merie's teachings but you are a believer of Christ's teachings. Can you clarify?
I am praying for you and your end of marriage decision. Ending a marriage is never easy but sometimes necessary if abuse or infedility is involved. End of marriage may not end the relationship if their are children involved, professional counsel can be helpful.