If you Google “necessary inference,” you end up finding almost entirely Church of Christ websites, or websites about the Church of Christ and it’s sometimes unique doctrines. The reason? The term was popularized by Church of Christ preachers using a three-finger recital of how we establish Biblical authority for modern church practices: command, example, and necessary inference. But adherence to this methodology didn’t come from Alexander Campbell, or even his father.
“While Thomas Campbell, in his Declaration and Address, says we should use command and example to understand what God would have us do, Alexander Campbell, in his Christianity Restored, spends a hundred pages on hermeneutical principles and never mentions “command, example, and necessary inference.” (Stafford North at Oklahoma Christian University)
“We only pretend to assert what everyone that pretends to reason must acknowledge, namely, that there is a manifest distinction between an express scripture declaration, and the conclusion or inference which may be induced from it.” (Thomas Campbell in Declaration and Address)
“The inferences drawn by the human understanding partake of all the defects of that understanding…. These conclusions, then, are always private property and can never be placed upon a level with the inspired word of God. Subscription to them, or acknowledgement of them, can never be rationally required as a bond of union.” (Alexander Campbell in Christian Baptist)
In other words, Campbell himself relegated inferences to the category of opinion. But let’s look at necessary inference a little more deeply to understand why, and see what it’s all about. Here’s a defintion:
Necessary inference: A conclusion that is dictated by a fact or premise. If the underlying fact or premise is true, then the necessary inference is an unavoidable conclusion that must be drawn. (Source: Nolo Law Dictionary)
The real problem with necessary inference as a hermeneutic is not that it’s necessarily (pun intended) an invalid or unsound argument. If the premises are true, and the conclusion proceeds necessarily from the premises, then it is sound. The real problem is that it’s misused by people who have no clue about the rules of logic. They throw around the term to make it sound like they are saying something authoritative. In reality, they often haven’t even made a sound argument; only an assertion.
When you have to resort to necessary inference to support your Biblical interpretation, in my judgment, it’s probably because you have a flimsy hook to hang your argument on. The problem, as Merie used to say, is that when your premises are faulty, you not only don’t have anything to hang on the hook, you haven’t any hook. Arguments built on so-called necessary inference tend to be built upon a mountain of assumptions, making the conclusion completely untrustworthy—sometimes bordering on the absurd.
The reason this happens when we use necessary inference to interpret the Bible is that we don’t know what we don’t know. We rarely have all of the facts necessary from the Biblical record to draw a conclusion with complete certainty, if it wasn’t already addressed by direct command or approved example (although there are some logical issues with this one as well; more on this later). But when you want to believe a conclusion is true, necessary inference is the perfect vehicle to justify it. I know. I used to do this myself as a young legalist, wanting to debate and justify the beliefs I already held.
As a young Christian, I eagerly consumed books and articles on the rules of logic. I read Aristotle’s “Treatise on Rhetoric,” which discusses debate and the art of persuasion. I loved persuasive writing in my 80’s high school years (usually supporting Reagan and conservativism, only to get a C with my liberal social science teacher). I still love persuasive writing, hence this blog. But nothing fascinated me more than the idea of “necessary inference,” because it seemed so malleable in my hands as a self-styled debater. Not sure how to support an argument clearly from scripture? Paste together a shoestring case that necessary inference demands we accept the conclusion. But I’ve learned some things about the rules of logic since then, thankfully.
When it comes to the assumptions we have to make using necessary inference, there are almost always other perfectly reasonable explanations for why Paul said something, or didn’t say something, or why the Corinthian church did something, or didn’t do something, or why there are no references to a particular practice in the first century. Our shaky assumptions (usually driven by our doctrinal biases—and we all have them) end up sabataging our entire argument.
Let’s use a simple example to illustrate the problem. If we see Bob go into a room that we believe has no doors and windows, and don’t see him come out, we may logically infer that he is still in there. Our logic would go like this:
- Bob entered a room with no doors and windows.
- Bob has not come out.
- Bob is still in the room.
This would be valid logic. We could call this a necessary inference based on rules of logic. But think about all the assumptions present in the premises. What if the room has a door or window we don’t know about? What if there’s a trap door we don’t know about? What if Bob has a motive we don’t know about, and breaks through a wall to escape undetected? Our conclusion that he’s not still in the room may be probable given the facts we know, or may not be if there are more facts as yet unknown. It all depends on our assumptions.
I think you can see that establishing the absolute truth of the premises in any argument is what gives any argument its power of persuasion. Take this example:
- God created everything that exists, or has ever existed.
- Dinosaurs existed.
- God created dinosaurs.
- God created everything that exists.
- Dinosaurs don’t exist.
- God didn’t create dinosaurs.
- We cannot do anything that is not expressly allowed or commanded in the New Testament.
- The New Testament does not expressly allow or command the use of musical instruments.
- We cannot use musical instruments.
- We can’t use a pitch pipe or song book. The NT contains no command, example, or necessary inference to use such a device. And no, they’re not necessary.
- We can’t use Western four-part harmony (soprano, alto, tenor, and bass). The first century church most likely chanted in the relatively monotone tradition of Jewish synagogue worship. Shouldn’t we do the same in order to follow their example?
- We can’t use a P.A. system to address large crowds. Peter seemed perfectly able to address large crowds of 3,000 on the day of Pentecost without such technological innovation.
- We can’t own a building. In NT examples, the church met in homes, synagogues, and public places. In one case, we know Paul stayed in a rented room while he was under house arrest and held Bible studies there. But did any church ever incorporate with the Roman government, open up a checking account, and purchase property?
- We can’t baptize in a baptistry or swimming pool. NT examples seem to all occur in natural bodies of water.
- We can’t take the Lord’s Supper on the ground floor. Believe it or not, all examples where the location of the Lord’s supper is described, it occurs in an upper room.
- Socio-economics. Instruments were probably expensive, and probably not nearly as prevalent as they are today.
- Lack of skill. If instruments were not widespread, few people among the early Christians would have known how to play them.
- Intense persecution. In the latter part of the first century, Christians were persecuted and had to keep moving from house to house to congregate. This would have made moving instruments around difficult, and the playing of instruments would have made their meetings more noticeable to Roman neighbors.
Barton Stone – “I blush for my fellows who hold up the Bible as the bond of union, yet make their opinions of it a test of fellowship; who plead for union of all Christians, yet refuse to fellowship with such as dissent from their notions. Vain men! Their zeal is not according to knowledge, nor is their spirit that of Christ. Such antisectarian-sectarians are doing more mischief to the cause and advancement of truth, the unity of Christians, and the salvation of the world, than all the skeptics in the world. In fact, they create skeptics.”
Alexander Campbell – “We will not hearken to those questions which gender strife, nor discuss them at all. If a person says such is his private opinion, let him have it as his private opinion; but lay no stress upon it; and if it be a wrong private opinion, it will die a natural death much sooner than if you attempt to kill it.”
Alexander Campbell – “But men cannot give up their opinions, and therefore, they can never unite, says one. We do not ask them to give up their opinions–we ask them only not to impose them upon others. Let them hold their opinions, but let them hold them as private property. The faith is public property; opinions are, and always have been private property. Men have foolishly attempted to make the deductions of some great minds the common measure of all Christians. Hence the deductions of a Luther, and a Calvin, and a Wesley, have been the rule and measure of all who coalesce under the names of these leaders. It is cruel to excommunicate a man because of the imbecility of his intellect.”
Much food for thought Kevin. Thank you! As a side note it's so very interesting how different the beliefs and practices of the church of Christ, especially Merie's group, is so different from the early writers/founders of the church of Christ.
Yes, it's a little baffling that they really think they are the true heirs of the Stone-Campbell movement. Their doctrines and practices bear almost no resemblance to the founding principles of Campbell or certainly Stone. Not to mention the fact that Cambell moderated later in life from his early sectarian tendencies.
Another excellent article Kevin. Necessary inference is the answer for Merie's cult when they can't find a direct command or example. Public confessions as has been discussed in some of your other articles is very weak using necessary inference for a reason they have public confessions as part of worship. Talk about adding to Christs doctrine which that alone condemns them as a FALSE RELIGION. Do they use necessary inference as why they tell so many married worthy members why they cannot marry. So sorry you are not spiritual enough. Please. Many will never taste marriage or raise children because… Read more »
Yes Craig, there are preachers who believe they have the right to decide who is spiritual enough to get married and who needs to 'work on things' before getting the 'go ahead' to start courting.
I'll write at some point on the matchmaker culture. Churches have no business seeking control over the marriages of members. We can teach, and try to impart wisdom in those decisions, but at the end of the day, each Christian stands or falls before God on those things.
We actually had some members get married outside the church to get away from this.
Yes, it happens occasionally where a couple will just go and get married by a justice of the peace. That type of rebellion causes quite a stir. How dare they go against counsel and get married!
I wonder if they are eligible for a reception to celebrate their union or if members are discouraged from giving them gifts etc.; after all, they did disobey counsel and got married!
Wow,Sad and sick! I'd get married out of there too. No one would dictate that to me. The thing is so many members hide stuff from the teachers and are so fake with them. I think it's kind of funny. As I've mentioned before, the teachers would constantly come up with stuff in their minds that was so off base it was scary!
I wrote the post about couples disobeying counsel and getting married. I want to make it clear that I was referring to a couple where both of them are in the church. There have been couples who are both in the church who had to go to a JP to get married because the teacher didn't think they should get married based on the teachers assessment of the couple's spirituality.
I think this whole situation is laughable if it were not so sick and sad. That is exactly why I have referred many people to this blog. Spread the word. Let osthers read this and I think it is great if members are reading the blogs and seeing what people are saying. The truth will set you free.
Yes, I agree wholeheartedly.
I infer that men should be wearing dress-like tunics instead of a suit and tie to worship!
I think worship should last until midnight by approved example! And men should be kissing each other per command.
Well, that would be the "approved example." 🙂
The controlling of who gets to marry, and who gets to remain married, is a practice of arrogant leaders. In the animal kingdom, in a wolf pack, only the alpha male and alpha female reproduce; the beta wolves are not allowed to reproduce. It is amazing how closely human behavior follows animal behavior and the metaphors and similes used by Christ to describe these type of people brings the word to life. Christ called them serpents, John the Baptist called them a generation of vipers. The Apostle Paul said "after my departure grievous wolves shall enter in not sparing the… Read more »
I'm sure their real reasoning on deciding who will marry is if they have complete control over a person first or not…They always seemed to think that they knew what I was thinking.. And that is one of the reasons I left because they were so far off with their wacko thinking, but yet thought they knew everything.. It really is sad
The arrogant, that is those with a superiority complex, will do anything to get the feeling of superiority. The arrogant love to play domination and control games, domination of others and controlling of others gives a great feeling of superiority. The giving of unwanted or unwelcomed or unqualified advice also gives a great feeling of superiority. The greatest weakness of the arrogant is flattery; the paying attention to someone is a great flattery. The greatest annoyance to an arrogant person is to be ignored. To control an arrogant person just flatter them by paying attention to them, then ignore them… Read more »
Had to laugh as you mentioned he hated me.
When the tow truck preacher would just get sight of me his countenance (facial expression) would change from a smile to anger; just the sight of me would infuriate him. I always had to ask is this teaching scriptural or just a domination and control game? Most of the time it was a domination play. The understanding he gave were way off and I would make it a point to bring them up around the evangelist and I would get corrected very quickly. We were taught that Re 2:13 were Satans seat is means that one of the members in… Read more »
Amazing, if this preacher was telling the other men to work 25 hours a week and get whatever else in benefits from the government. While presenting himself as he is doing just that being an example as a preacher should. However, if he was not disclosing well by the way my parents help me out too, that in my eyes is plain out being deceitful. Some preachers seem to be above the law. As the hypocrite in Portland. It seems it takes preachers that get involved in pornography, those who teach heresy, or if you are a support preacher challenging… Read more »
The bigger picture is to ask: how is a man in the SCOC to provide for his family? Men were discouraged from working overtime, also discouraged from seeking a supervisory position, and I was told not to work a part time job on Saturdays because this was just for "spending money". What I saw with the men who were not working to their full potential was this: borrow money from babes and never repay them, walk around at tax return time and ask brethren "how much of that money is for the brethren?", men were deeply in debt to credit… Read more »
And to not help them when needed. Go to the WORDLY people and get help. Just sick
Luke 16:10 says it best: he that is faithful in the least is faithful in much and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much. The least is to provide carnally for yourself and your family, to feed and cloth, and house them. The much is to lead a church family spiritually. The tow truck preacher took from others carnally to feed his family and in his lessons and sermons he plagiarized from every religious book he could find except the bible. I heard many a boring lesson on "Merie said" or "Alexander Campbell said" or… Read more »
What qualifies them to be a preacher? How could anyone go week after week to this boring and sick church? To be fed this none sense?
Anon 5:46 what qualifies them to be a preacher is the approval of the preacher and or teacher that is before them. Are these men proven? No, how could they be if they are following Merie Weiss and her doctrine. Okay they are to be proven in what they have been taught. Basically obey the preacher and teacher. Be a good boy and you'll work your way up the ranks. Yes a lot of non sense is taught, however there is good as well. In the beginnings you get sucked in by the love bombing. The members are almost all… Read more »
When I went in the love bombing was actually kind of creepy.. I'm a very nice friendly outgoing person but it was almost too much for me to handle.. I couldn't even believe it
And Kevin's writing and knowledge is really outstanding! I can't imagine any of the preachers or teachers coming close to something like this!
What are some of the things they do while love bombing anon 1:15?
One thing that is done when love bombing is to never tell them babe they are wrong in anything, do not criticize them, correct them, or reprove them, just smile at everything they say.
I learned never to criticize a babes driving at a Sunday fellowship. We had a Thursday nonmember class in Prescott and on the return drive to Phoenix one teacher and her husband decided to let the babe drive their car back. The man had a boat of a car, I think a 76 pontiac bonnevile or the like, about 40 feet in overall length, and the babes drove back through the town of Mahyer AZ and on Friday this teacher was saying how scared to death she was of this babes driving, which was really saying something because her husband… Read more »
anon 11:55- i find that last part realli hard to believe. im pretty sure youre exaggerating. lets keep this all realistic okay ?
Anon 8:25 you see a huge difference when you have the status quo attending compared to when you have a nonmember attend. You especially see it at a nonmember class. Members are I will use the word trained to give the nonmember extra attention. Ones who may not even shake another members hand trust me Portland has those ones will greet and give a smile to the nonmember. Others may have other examples. When I first attended I was given extra attention. When you get the nonmembers close to baptism or are newly baptized certainly they get the love bombing… Read more »
Anon 8:25 right now I don't want to really give away who I am as I'm talking to some members in two different churches that are reading this. But when I went in it might have been a little bit different because of the situation that I was in. But basically they didn't leave me alone, they were way so over-friendly, but it was kind of extreme.. I'm not saying that that is bad, because all of the members were very nice. It's just to me this was not normal. They were trying way too hard and I noticed this.… Read more »
Don't know if you're baptized or not but early on they'll accept questions and disagreements. But if you stay in long enough and their answers are no longer acceptable tp you, you won't be acceptable to them.
I would be suspicious and not like it either. I like true kind friendships and work at being the same to others. If negative or overbearing or what to control me I would walk away. Never liked people who wanted control in or out of church.
And yet I have heard them say many many times "she isn't a Christian" or "they are not Christians" about other people while ironically "they cannot possibly be Christians" but think they are….so deceived….so sad!
There is an amazing outline on page 231.
I'm anon 10:16 and yes I was baptized in one church and then went to another
Since necessary inference is not expressly commanded, every proof that says it is permitted must use circular reasoning. One can only "prove" that we may use necessary inference by actually using necessary inference before we have proved that we may use it. When we do that, we show that we don't know to properly use reason.
I understand faulty reasoning leads to erroneous understandings. We use to have question night once a month where you could ask any biblical question and the teacher would give you the answer but it was quickly stopped because it revealed how little the teachers knew or understood themselves. We were told that we had an "unction" and understood all things so there was no need to ask questions. I saw however when a teacher did not know something they said "we will have to call out for council" instead of using the unction they had. The lack of biblical knowledge… Read more »
Calling out for council really means ‘get someone elses opinion and be required to obey their opinion’
Anon at least you only endured it once a month. We technically had the same setup in SA, but people were allowed to bring up questions at the beginning of each class. Very often someone would bring up some technical question, say something historical or some minute detail that wasn't totally spelled out and we would spend too much time on a boring topic even though everyone else had studied on one thing. It was so disorderly and frustrating that many times it was one particular person who could just basically hijack the class. And yes sometimes it was left… Read more »
True, true true, M Long.
Agreed. I see the behaviors of those with the superiority complex is to make themselves the center of attention, and disregard everyone else as unimportant. Once the feeling of superiority is achieved then the behaviors of the arrogant become dominate and controlling. I see in Genesis with Joseph telling his brethren and father of his dream of how the would bow down to him and his older brothers hated him and sold him into slavery to get rid of him and I see the behaviors with Christ and the Pharisee's how they refused to bow down to him no matter… Read more »
The primary task of USMC boot camp is to teach men to break the commandment "thou shalt not kill" to give young men the will to kill. This goes against everything that Christianity is built upon so it defies understanding why someone would glorify the Marine Corp as a place for a Christian to be; yet that is exactly what happened in the Phoenix SCOC. The military encourages arrogance and narcissism because this greatly benefits the military. The arrogant become oppressors and in combat an oppressor is the best person to lead others by yelling and screaming orders to them.… Read more »
In no way, shape or form am I going to give her one dime. She will have to beg elsewhere.
Anon, hey now, careful there with your generalizations. My husband is retired military. He never had to kill anyone but he certainly would never murder. Please see that topic on this blog. There's a difference.And he's a Great husband. Much better than the one who was recruited by Merie's church at 19. One was not a committed or faithful husband and the other is, as well as a good provider. Certainly not a barker even though he was in a leadership position in the military. I would say that rather, Merie's church just reinforces the negatives we already have and… Read more »
True there are exceptions to the rules, you are probably the exception. When I was in the military we went on deployments; for six months at first, then it went to twelve or thirteen months. How does a father spent time with his children when he is gone six to twelve months at a time and repeatedly deployed? When one deploys or "floats" they go on west pac; going to the western pacific. I watched the men I worked with become drunkards, and whoremongers overseas and then return to respectable life when back states side. The women who were native… Read more »
Well those specific men are in the wrong if that's what they did. But if you generalize that all men are leaving babies in other countries, etc. that's off. My ex worked at a large utility company here and a bunch of men there were like that. So those types of men are everywhere. And they're in this church and others. I mean if you're gonna generalize about that, at least 60% of black men leave their kids. I bet that's a higher ratio than military men. But we're not going there, are we?Anyway, the SCOC shouldn't Require men to… Read more »
is ya'll sayings these types of mens are where you are now, also. would'nt the elders and perchers let those guys know about their responsibilites also. i'd think the scoc should let the rascals know of the obligaation they have to man up and be responsibile. after all arent' the hearts of all men evil and the heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure.Who can understand it? i guess some things are better not said to wives and kept under the table
Whoe, hold the horses now. Black men are the subject only now and if the stats were really known how many percentage points would the white man be at.
(feels like an SCOC class that has gone way off topic; exiting…)
seems like folks are just responding to your response, M Long. Who took us off the topic, again?
M Long, my point that I was driving at is the SCOC makes the claim to be God's sole church on earth and yet the men in the SCOC are allowed to behave worse than infidels by not providing support to the children they have helped to create. The USMC drill instructor has the superiority complex worse than most and yet his behavior is not that of a responsible Christian man, and he was preaching last I heard. If you are going to preach the gospel should you not live the gospel, and by that I mean pay you child… Read more »
This thread sounds immature and with uneducated people chiming in that cannot even spell?
Please let’s get on a good topic that will make us dig into our bibles and grow and also if we do not know how to spell take the time to look up the word please so the comments make sense.
The Apostles were ignorant and unlearned men (Acts 4:13) yet they were more righteous than anyone living today, so poor grammar and poor spelling is not important in the kingdom of God. As far as a good topic lets address men fulfilling their responsibilities to their families and setting a good example for others to follow. What does God require of men who father children? Are the men to abandon and forsake the women and children as has been done many times in the SCOC? Lets address the hypocrisy of leadership allowing men to preach that are deadbeat dads. Lets… Read more »
Thank you anon 6:04. Now maybe we will get back on track and not sidebars of personal attacks.
One thing I have learned as I battle my superiority complex is that those of us who are arrogant tell lies. The person I lie to the most is myself. I constantly catch myself exaggerating situations to make myself feel more important, that is give myself a feeling of superiority. Delusions of grandure can come in the form of believing yourself of great importance or under great persecution, both make you feel important to yourself. There are two kinds of victims; real victims and fake victims. Real victims suffer wrong and go on fake victims exaggerate their situation to gain… Read more »
Thank you for your honesty and food for thought.��
I come to understand this week that the parable of the ten virgins, five wise and five foolish is that the wise are always be prepared, the foolish are prepared only part of the time. The five foolish had lamps and did have oil but did not prepare fully and got left behind. Study is and everyday requirement not just to be able to refute the false teachers but also to keep my pride and lust under restraint through constant reproof. I realized this this week as we have our one winter storm for Arizona and I did not bring… Read more »
Christ taught his disciples to pray and in his instructions he said for the disciples to ask God for their daily bread, which meant they would be praying every day. (Matthew 6:11-15) I find that there is spiritual side to this as well and I have to pray for my spiritual meat everyday, that is I have to ask God for understandings on a daily basis from my studies and amazingly enough he grants me understandings. Christians need to be asking God in prayer for understandings from his word it is how we grow in our faith.
In Tacoma it was taught that you can measure your faith by how much you pray. I tend to believe that. Coming to the throne of grace. There was one member, whom I respected greatly, admitted, one time, that he doesn't pray everyday. That was a little disturbing to me. I pray all day every day and have even prayed in my sleep. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." (or by study) How much am I really in tuned with the oracles of God if my prayer is lacking?
Really good post, Lynn. Simple truth is so refreshing.
As I struggle to control my superiority complex and ask God to give me a heart like Jesus, that is a meek and lowly heart, I am overwhelmed by daily problems. There is no one else to do the lowly work that has to be done to solve the daily problems but I don't want to wait tables, I want to do the more important tasks and leave the lowly tasks for someone else (but in my life there is no one else.) In Proverbs 6:6-8 Solomon teaches go to the ant thou sluggard and there are few things more… Read more »
How women emasculate men. Video on my website. 1/2/24
Merie, unwittingly, not only frequently emasculated men, but she trained all the women in Stanton how to do it too.
When men are emasculated, they go on the defensive; and begin to act as if there is a war going on.
What happens to men when they go off to war?
Do they face more or less temptation? Anyone who reads military history knows the answer to that.
This is how women tear their homes down, and don’t even realize it.
For only a moment, I promise!!
All of humanity is connected.
Apathy doesn’t go unpunished. Those who ignore the pain and suffering of others will soon have their own to worry about,
30,000 are dead in 85 days in Gaza, slaughtered by the same Talmudic Jews who murdered 100 million in World War 2. This is a warm up act for what they have planned in America.
100 million slaughtered by communism in the last century, not in World War 2, though 30-50 million died in that war.
It is located in the far north, above the tip of the big dipper. You can’t miss it if you know what you are looking for.
Each and every student will make a difference by ironing their curtains.
Should I cook the potatoes in the jacket or peeled? Your wish is my command.
10 Ways Women Emasculate Men (without even realizing it) and 5 ways to build a man up. Video on my website: 1/2/24 When a woman sees a problem and takes the lead in solving it, she’s unwittingly emasculating the man, and that’s precisely the blunder Merie made. In doing so, she trained every woman that they are supposed to fix their churches, marriages, husbands, and the men in the church. And that’s not the role God gave women at all. Can you imagine how emasculating it is for a man to be told by a female teacher what to preach… Read more »
I left the group because I realized that what the group taught and what God teaches were often-not always-vastly different. I had to make a choice; stay out of fear, obligation, because of relationships, or leave so I could continue to follow Christ. I left. You know, one thing I heard A LOT while in the group is that “fallen away ones” are always longing to come back into the group.”
Not sure what the differences were that you noted, but the chief one I’ve seen is women speaking in the churches, which is also widely supported by the majority of Christian churches.
It’s very hard to break emotional ties with family and friends.
Hard to realize, especially for me as a man, that I had to choose to be a man of God, or keep relationships I cherished.
I thought I could have both in the church. I chose the former, and I don’t regret it.
For me it’s the lie that the church teaches only the Bible, yet they have bunches of man made rules
Any reason why you are shotgunning assorted bits of nonsense on the blog?
You’re like a kid throwing food everywhere.
If you’re trying to disrupt the blog, yours is one of the better attempts.
The curse of this website is good information is often censored, but your nonsense is allowed.
That is true.
As far as I’m concerned, Peggy is not making dessert.
Important to note; your scheduled vacation days have been received and approved. Best of luck.
Thank you for your care and concern. I plan to declutter my home during my vacation. I know that sounds boring but it will be wonderful to have a decluttered home.
His choice of tie was bold and quite unlike him.
January 3, 2024 Lori Alexander By Lisa Vitello “Thus Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord, and you have become her children if you do what is right without being frightened by any fear.
Article on my website
Graham’s is the best of all worlds for the most precious time in life.
Should I just send it out and have regrets?
Yes, you should send it out.
I am impressed by her extensive collection of can openers!
JEWS: THE PERPETUAL VICTIMS [Remastered] This video deals with Jewish expulsions and why Jews have convinced themselves they matter more when, in reality, they matter the least to God and to every non Jew in the world. But see, in order to rule us, the inferior Jew must cripple us first because in the world of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. I have added music, changed the pitch and remastered the audio. Complete list of Jewish expulsions: Note: The above is minus Afghanistan and Yemen, both of which happened after Guatemala, the last recorded expulsion on that list.… Read more »
Going forward, this is the view from the garden.
To all serious readers. This is the latest attack on reason and truth. When you cannot convince and persuade, simply throw out sheer nonsense and hope it sticks. Have experienced this at dozens of City Council meetings in the last eleven years. There are plants in the audience whose job is interrupt to silence the truth. Surprised we have disruptors on this site, but Satan is a Master of Deceit, and will stop at nothing to drown out the truth. Future nonsense will be ignored. That a person has time to waste doing this is a sad statement about their… Read more »
Wouldn’t expect to have kept such bills for such long periods of time.
I honestly forgot to mention that going forward, I’ll be in the office all day and every day next week.
Won’t that interfere with your previously scheduled event?
Book: The Unseen Hand: An Introduction to the Conspiratorial View of History
Free Book link on my website: 1/3/24
Next year’s meeting will make you think about how you’re doing and what you’re looking for in a spouse.
Good, I am glad to hear something about next year’s meeting! Too often the information is vague and difficult to discern.
Kyle Rittenhouse shot three random rioters and all three turned out to be Jews and were either paid criminals and/or pedophiles.
Because I am addressing the problem at present, I am sorry to inform you that I must not have qualified for further assistance.
Without truth, love isn’t possible.
The central message of the Bible is literally to love God more than man. Trust God, not man.
I did not know and now I do.
Love is impossible without truth.
I want truth more than love, money, or fame.
That’s a honorable sentiment.
Would Jesus have withdrawn from pot users, or would he have gone after those flooding America with pot?
As I was walking past a large woman I asked myself, quietly mind-you… how does she relate?
This is a website celebrating Jewish accomplishments. And you can find them boasting about their roles in abortion, feminism, homosexuality, birth control, pornography, and much more. Jewishcontributions is the website. We’d all be better off without these Jewish blessings. This is why Christ is so beloved, because he went after the Jews who were behind promoting nearly every major Vice back then, just as they are today. You don’t get kicked out of 109 countries for no reason at all. Ever heard of the alcohol company owners the Bronfman’s, one of the richest families on earth? What ethnicity do you… Read more »
Shall we discuss the benefits of the simple virtue of honesty?
Shake the tree of every evil agenda in America, and a Jew falls out.
My insurance has lapsed and so I dare not drive.
To the meme, women weren’t created to be guiding churches or marriages either. When a man is looking for a woman to marry, one of the red flags is if she doesn’t understand the man is the leader of the marriage and that women are supposed to be quiet in the churches. If she doesn’t understand this, your marriage will be a rough one, no matter how it appears in public. And, unfortunately, due to Merie’s rebellion, EVERY WOMAN in Stanton was taught red flag behaviors! So were the men; we were taught to accept and welcome it. Consider that… Read more »
Did you know that tending a garden is often therapeutic for the mind riddled with anxiety? Try gardening if you don’t believe me.
Jew Madeleine Albright saying putting 500,000 Iraqi children to death is acceptable.
That’s very sad.
ANESTHETIST TO FULL-TIME HOMEMAKER January 5, 2024 Lori Alexander This is a testimony about the transforming power of Truth from God’s Word from a wife, mother, and homemaker who once was an anesthetist! Dear Lori, Consistently reading you has radically changed my life and marriage for the better!! Where do I begin? I always wanted what you have taught, but it’s been a battle bringing it to fruition in my life!! I longed to be a wife and mother at an early age and was blessed to have a wonderful mom who stayed home full-time! Like you, I loved that… Read more »
Observe and learn from the garden of your mind.
What do you mean by this?
An American Jew tells the truth.
Article on my website, 1/6/24
Few Americans understand the truth about Israel or why Germans disliked Jews so much.
This Jewess explains why.
You have already been asked to send me your schedule for this week.
As for me, I am returning to school until Thursday.
What are you studying in school?
“Since the general civilization of mankind, I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people, by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power, than by violent and sudden usurpations: but on a candid examination of history, we shall find that turbulence, violence and abuse of power, by the majority trampling on the rights of the minority, have produced factions and commotions, which, in republics, have more frequently than any other cause, produced despotism. If we go over the whole history of ancient and modern republics, we shall find their destruction to have generally… Read more »
Her counselor said she should change her perspective. I wholeheartedly agree!
Great, thank you for the motivation.
Incapable of refuting truth you malevolently shotgun out nonsense.
There is a lot more in store. You are going to love what the coming days have in waiting.
The fool scoffs at truth and wisdom.
Whoever you are, I have your dunce cap for you.
To be fair, your strategy is the best one that oppressive and tyrannical leaders in Stanton, the targets of this website, have used in this websites eleven year history. Knowing you don’t have a chance of winning the debate, you run, hide, and try to obscure with nonsense. It’s truly pathetic.
Also, your nonsense comments are convincing the average reader raised in Stanton or attending Stanton, that the Stanton leadership-responsible for yet another unscriptural withdrawal, to add on to the hundreds they are already guilty of, and which they rarely confess- is reduced to shotgunning out absurd twaddle, and could never mount serious scriptural arguments to refute any of the truths of this website.
This is why Stanton doesn’t like debates, and doesn’t like to stay too long at doors, because when the few erroneous beliefs are challenged, they quickly fall apart.
This morning was a bit crazy and yesterday morning was not much better. We will have to analyze the situation and remedy it os
Have you tried discrediting the poster by sowing discord and saying things like: “he’s crazy” or “he’s trying to take over the church” ? Sowing discord has worked for others maybe it will work for you too!
I applaud your sentiments. Hear hear.
Merie was committing heresy by speaking publicly in churches, but that wasn’t all. She also falsely taught that armed self defense is not scriptural, when it definitely is against evil-doers. Indeed, the Jews, who funded her, have been trying to disarm America for over a century. She was right, we shouldn’t join the military, but that’s only because it’s run by Jews, and she never talked about that. Alexander Campbell wrote about the immorality of abolishing the death penalty. Article on my website, 1/17/24. The Anabaptists were a mercilessly persecuted sect of Christianity, one of the three wings of the… Read more »
Have you thought of inflicting some emotional pain? Like in Psalms 22 how the writer describes not only having to suffer the physical pains of death but how the arrogant kept shouting out words to inflict emotional pain on him, kinda like rubbing salt into one’s wounds. They had the victory in his death sentence, but that was not enough, a few more bites from the dogs was desired to torment a condemned man. Reminds me of one dog in the church who found his daughter doing something he disapproved of so he told her to go and get her… Read more »
Time to get out of your hemotions, Arizona.
Better to be slapped with the truth than kissed with a lie.
Those controlled by emotions are often cruel.
Thank you for your warm regards. I cherish these brief encounters.
Nonsense is in the eye of he beholder. Behold my eye. Behold, behold.
Great success is gained by successful people. Sucessful people are born to successful parents and grandparents, uncles, aunts and the occasional cousin. Research clearly indicates this truth.
There are many who believe those of us who oppose women speaking in the church in defiance of God’s commands are proud. This is what David was called when he opposed Goliath, by his older brother Eliab. Women speaking in the churches is a modern-day Goliath that few men want to deal with. But, Paul, who was unmarried, dealt with it head on. I’m unmarried as well, and my middle name is Paul, and I prefer the same approach. The crisis that just passed, the Covid hoax, is going to be a trip to the park compared to the crisis’s… Read more »
We are 1/4 of the way to the finish line. Keep up the good work.
I most certainly will continue to the finish line! Thanks for the encouragement.
You’re welcome. The pleasure is all mine!
You know you’re over the target when you start getting intense flack, so this account that keeps trying to disrupt the site with nonsense comments is pretty inspiring. Thank you! Post on Gab from Lori Alexander Instead of being a teacher, teach your own children. Instead of being a nurse, care for and nurture your own children. Instead of being a waitress, be home to serve your own children. Instead of being a chef, cook for your own children. Instead of being a CEO, manage your own children and home. Instead of being a police officer, be home to protect… Read more »
This book I purchased is falling apart at the spine. The only reason I haven’t returned it is because this was the store’s last copy and additional copies won’t arrive for weeks.
I’m sorry to hear that
Oppression and women speaking in the church. Full Article on my website, 1/9/24 Excerpt follows: The definition of oppression: The imposition of unreasonable burdens To support behaviors in the church that God forbids is OPPRESSING the church. It’s an unreasonable burden on all Christians and the church, and it’s rebelling against God. 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 [34] Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. [35] And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at… Read more »
It is most disturbing to awaken to the noise of a standard alarm clock. I prefer awakening to the sound of ocean waves.
When women are out of order, it makes it very difficult for the men to successfully identify and remedy the big problems facing the church and nation. Because now the men have to worry about women who have often been deceived by Satan. Not a single woman in the thousands of hours women have shared publicly in Stanton that I have heard, has identified the agents behind every evil agenda. “Who murdered Jesus? Jews. Who murdered all the disciples except for John? Jews. Who murdered Stephen? Jews. Who murdered Paul? Jews. Who murdered thousands upon thousands of Christians? Jews. If… Read more »
Not only do I love good penmanship and enjoy a quality pen, I also enjoy quality paper, preferably linen. Thank you.
Not sure what the deal is with the secret tunnels under the synagogues in Jew York built 6 months ago. But I know about Simon of Trent, and how Henry Kissinger pimped Brice Taylor (Thanks for the Memories) to Ronald Reagan when she was a girl. Of the 109 times Jews were kicked out of countries, many of them were for when their ritual murders were discovered, especially of children. Arnold Leese wrote a great book in 1938, “Jewish Ritual Murder.” When you get credible allegations of Jewish ritual murder in dozens of countries over centuries, a pretty clear pattern… Read more »
A very popular bakery has recently opened a second location near my office. I have heard they are offering gluten free options which is a welcome change from their gluten rich options.
When God designed women, he created them with a desire for affection, communication, relationships, and ATTENTION. And it was beautifully done when confined to the role God designed for it. However, when God’s role for women is ignored, the design goes haywire. A woman’s love for attention is perfect when confined to her husband, children, or, if single, in serving God, teaching other women and children. When women speak in the church, in any capacity besides prayers, song requests, or teaching women’s or children’s classes, we have a problem, and, unfortunately, Stanton has had a problem for 50+ years. God… Read more »
The combination of carrots, celery and onion diced and sautéed, with garlic added added in the last thirty seconds, is the beginning of most soups. You will never go wrong with this common base of flavors.
REASONS TO REMAIN CHILDFREE Ellie Gonsalves, a model and actress, gave 178 reasons why she chooses to remain childfree to her over a million followers on Instagram. (I won’t link to her since she’s extremely immodest.) She’s insightful about all of the hard parts about bearing and raising children. It’s far from easy! None of God’s ways are easy, but they are good. Here is part of her list: 1. They are YOUR responsibility until the day you die 2. Post partum hair loss 3. You are tired ALL the time 4. Children can inherit emotional trauma 5. The worlds… Read more »
The smallest of her children were not actually the youngest. How interesting.
Post on Gab from “Under a blood red sky” I don’t know why all of America isn’t on Gab. Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram all have pornography and censor truth and criticism of Jews, yet, I haven’t seen a single Christian on Gab, but I’ve seen hundreds of Christians from Stanton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Post is as follows. “ Roosh Valizadeh, “The reason that women had their behaviour limited was for the simple reason that they are significantly less rational than men, in a way that impaired their ability to make good decisions concerning the future. This was eloquently… Read more »
The Uber driver quit driving because he didn’t enjoy driving. He drove for many hours and many, many miles until he was fed up.
As someone who has a career in educational and factual published works, I believe the best way to start giving accurate information would be to realize that the image you have attached to this comment is a screenshot taken from a TikTok, which would seem to fall in the same category of the social media platforms that you state to, “all have pornography and censor truth and criticism of Jews.” This is an important thing to recognize considering that it could be seen as a statement of hypocrisy, no? (If you choose to spread misinformation and dehumanizing content, I would… Read more »
I don’t have a TikTok account, I am on Gab, and every American should be too, as that’s the only platform that doesn’t censor. Gab actually does censor pornography, which should have been censored from the internet from its inception. If you have a career in educational works, you need to begin to unlearn what you’ve learned. Objective truth is NOT in the formal educational establishment about who is behind every evil agenda in America. As for your careless, lazy, and foolish remarks about spreading misinformation and dehumanizing content, show me one statement I’ve made that isn’t objectively true. Just… Read more »
Salikadoooo, la minchika rooooo, la bippety boppety booooo. Put it together and what have you got? Bippety boppity boooo!
For someone who states that the internet is “uncensored” and corrupt, you seem to utilize it quite a bit to post your egregious opinions multiple times a day. Regarding your statements about misinformation, you seem to have not denied that your opinions are dehumanizing. Also they do explicitly express that you are against America’s First Amendment (which protects freedom of religion), when you seem very keen on restoring things in America to how they used to be. The Bill of Rights was ratified in 1791, which seems to be around the point in time that you get your “information” from.… Read more »
Harvy: For someone who states that the internet is “uncensored” and corrupt, you seem to utilize it quite a bit to post your egregious opinions multiple times a day. TD: I don’t recall saying the internet was “uncensored.” You must have misunderstood me. I’m sorry you aren’t a fan of objective truth; if you were, you wouldn’t grumble over “egregious opinions,” a term I’ve never seen before and which has an ambiguous meaning. Harvy: Regarding your statements about misinformation, you seem to have not denied that your opinions are dehumanizing. Also they do explicitly express that you are against America’s… Read more »
Yes, he lives by double standards. He complains about being called a babbling idiot but then freely says that others are “useful idiots”. He can dish it out, but he cannot take it. Like so many arrogant people he is just a cowardly lion, a paper tiger. When confronted at a Vallejo city council meeting, he fell to the floor like any cowardly and fearful individual would and it is on YouTube for all to see his cowardice. He has to be reminded that people have weaknesses and not to be a stumbling block to the weak, you do not… Read more »
Hello Arizona, Lurking with malicious malignancy, your wickedness knows no bounds. Blind to your own evil, you constantly pervert and distort that which you don’t understand. Ignorant to your ignorance, this does not stop you from incessantly judging affairs you little comprehend. “Useful idiots” is the term used by Lenin to describe those used by Communists. You are one of them, though you know little of communism, so you don’t know it. Meanwhile, you call those who denounce communism, the very communism that can one day destroy you, “babbling idiots,” So you love those who hate you and hate those… Read more »
Hanukkah, an anti-Greek blood libel.
Article on my website, 1/10/24
British historicist Arnold Toynbee once described Judaism as a unique aberration within the human experience. Fossilized in their fanatical hatred of non-Jews, Jews throughout history have been ready to violently oppose every single culture and nation they encountered, even at the cost of their internal intellectual and civilizational development. For the Jewish people, the story of “Hanukkah” is a vital reference point central to their antagonistic and insular identity.
Herman ate two apples, three grapes and later had digestive difficulties.
I completly understand why he had issues because he went on to eat three grapefruit and 4 cantaloupes.
Concerning your appication. It would be best if you withdraw. I won’t go into detail here but we can speak privately.
1 Peter 4:8 [8] And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins. I want to ask forgiveness from readers for mentioning GP, KS, and TC in an earlier comment. While it caused me sorrow, yet, as God has forgiven me, so will I forgive. I deeply respect all three of them, and even though I strongly disagree with them on women teachers, yet, I will not allow my disagreement to cloud my respect and admiration for all three. They have done far more honorable and Godly actions than otherwise, and as… Read more »
I see by your outfit that you care deeply about your appearance. Well done, well done.
Systemic genocide: Creating a structure of a society to intentionally keep birth rates low, and then instead of reversing the policies that caused the low birth rates, suggest population replacement with a foreign people.
The causes:
* Birth control
* Abortion
* Feminism
* Reversal of gender roles
* Women in the workplace
* Marrying after “high school”
100 years ago, none of this existed except rarely.
Revive Truth, Gab
Most American children own numerous stuffed toys. Most of them can be cleaned by tossing them in the washing machine with a load of towels.
Nothing irks him more than the dog-eared pages of a book.
When God designed marriage and the church, the two institutions he gave mankind, he created them a meritocracy. The man was the leader of the marriage and the church because God gave him the necessary skills. However, we must come to the shocking conclusion that Merie was wildly out of order in trying to teach men. We have massive evidence of the dysfunction that occurs in the homes of women teachers; God’s command to women to stay silent in the churches was an excellent command that the vast majority of women heed and obey in Stanton. However, we have a… Read more »
Corn fritters are best when made from from fresh corn. Avoid canned or frozen for the nicest flavor and texture.
Why hasn’t Stanton ever had Bishops, Elders, or Deacons? Likely because they have women speaking in the churches, which the New Testament church did not have; with unruly women in marriages and the church, no authority of a Bishop, Elder, or Deacon will ever be recognized. Considering the power, oversight, and responsibility usurped by women teachers, beginning with Merie, it’s almost as if the women teachers are the Bishops, Teachers, and Deacons of the church. Kevin’s website has served as an effective antidote to tyranny, and everyone should be grateful to God for allowing it. A Bishop would be an… Read more »
As the ox trudges downward, so does the quail upon her young.
A good point you make yet the cult falsely believes they are the only true church.
Women teachers and women speaking in the church, both prohibited by the Bible, except when women teach other women and children, must be discussed here since I know of NO church in Stanton’s history that ever honestly discussed either issue. “Oh, but TD, there was just the October meeting in 2022 on it,” Really?!!? Since when are issues discussed only by teachers without individual congregations deciding and their decisions being addressed in the May/October meeting? Does anyone know of any other questions at a May/October Trip where no congregation discussion was held, the teachers decided? Then the congregations were expected… Read more »
The vision of a child is far better than the vision of an eighty year old.
Stalin Ordered Vladimir Lenin’s Sister Not To Reveal Family’s Jewish Ancestry
Top Jewish Scholar Admits Hitler Launched WWII To Stop ‘World Jewry’ From ‘Annihilating Germany’
French General Investigated For Inciting Hate And Violence After Asking ‘Who Controls The Media?’ On Live TV
1931: German High Court Rules Jewish Talmud Encourages Jews To Murder Gentiles
All articles on my website, 1/12/24
As I have always said, ‘it isn’t that hard to cook meals from scratch. It’s too expensive to dine out’
90% of todays churches are antinomian heretics.
Article on my website 1/12/24
1. Theology; The doctrine or belief that the Gospel frees Christians from required obedience to any law, whether scriptural, civil, or moral, and that salvation is attained solely through faith and the gift of divine grace.
2. The belief that moral laws are relative in meaning and application as opposed to fixed or universal.
Matter of fact, allowing women to speak in church is the antinomian heresy.
Gods law says don’t do it, Merie trampled all over that law.
Tonight we will be changing our theme from sour dough bread to sweet and sour chicken. Please don’t park in restricted areas upon arrival or your vehicle will be towed.
If you Google your name, and it doesn’t come up with at least five listings that you are an “anti-semitic,” “racist,” “hateful,” “sexist,” “homophobic,” “transphobic,” Islamophobic,” “xenophobic,” “bigoted,” or any of the rest of the Jewish Cultural Marxist lexicon, which they are using for their White extermination agenda, you are doing something wrong.
Jesus Christ would be/is hated by the Jews and would be called all of these slurs and would be lied about, too, if he walked the earth today.
Just because you’re riding alone doesn’t mean you’re going too fast.
THE TALMUD EXPOSED (Pt. 6) Did you know the Talmud advocates for pedophilia and gives Jews permission to have homosexual sex with children? It states: 9 . ( 54) The Gemara asks: What does it mean that the Torah does not deem a younger boy to be like an older boy? Rav says: It means that the Torah does not deem the intercourse of one who is less than nine years old to be like the intercourse of one who is at least nine years old, as for a male’s act of intercourse to have the legal status of full-fledged… Read more »
Ever since you moved toward the center of the city your family has been doing poorly.
Nothing irks me more than moldy shower curtains.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Should Be Ended Full article on my website, 1/12/24 In the early evening of April 4, 1968, a gunshot rang-out in the Memphis sky. It immediately shattered the peace and quiet of an otherwise uneventful day at the Lorraine Motel, and soon after, the peace of an entire country. The death of Martin Luther King Jr., at the hands of James Earl Ray, brought about a period of unrest and Black violence that has been matched only occasionally since. Worse, it engendered more than half-a-century of anti-White discrimination and public policy which has transformed America… Read more »
Forgot to mention that I left the butter in the car.
Feminism has infected every single church and marriage in Stanton since Merie. It’s a dangerous and devastating poison, and has caused much damage.
Merie’s decision to speak in the church, defying God’s order not to, set a terrible precedent, and undoing it will not be easy.
“Feminism – What is it Good For?
(and how it is destroying marriage)”
“The Millennial Man – A Single Woman’s Nightmare”
Three articles on my website, 1/13/24
Until further notice, please use the side entrance. You will spot it upon entering the alleyway.
Yes, let’s not follow our heart about women speaking in the churches. Let’s obey what God clearly said multiple times in Scripture, and let’s not pervert scripture.
The great fraud of MLK Jr.
Article on my website, 1/15/24
Excerpt as follows:
Today is Martin Luther King day, the only holiday explicitly honoring a single American. But who was this man? The truth may be shocking. He was the opposite of a good man, a vile, depraved, anti-American, hateful communist, anti-white bigot who hated white people and America; and all of his speeches, all of his papers, and everything he did was a complete and total fraud. His speeches and writings were outright plagiarism, stolen from other people, and his ideology was hateful and malicious.
I will not buy you any of the items on your list. You must earn them yourself.
When women are allowed to speak in your church, the best you can do to refute Biblical truths is to post gibberish. Sad and pathetic.
You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about or who I am.
Once again, the ox trudged downward. This time without a hand to guide it.
Is it “love” to allow women to speak in the churches? Absolutely not. The ones who do it hate God, as God commanded women to be silent in the churches to protect them from themselves. Women’s emotions are devastatingly destructive if they aren’t submitted to God’s order. From Eve, Pandora (Greek myths imitate life), Jezebel, Athalia, and Agrippina (Nero’s mother), history is full of the destructive consequences that occur when women reject God’s order and men lack the courage to uphold God’s commands. Can you be a Godly man and allow women to speak in the churches? No, you cannot;… Read more »
The number of stripes on the hind leg of an African eland determines it’s age in 6 month increments.
New video: Learning to be obedient to your husband. On my Website 1/16/24 90% of the problems I hear about in the church, regarding marriage, are simply a matter of the wife disobeying her husband and God. Anytime you hear about a dispute between a wife and her husband, you don’t need to listen anymore, you already know the wife is sinning by disobeying her husband, unless he’s telling her to sin, like watch porn, or do a threesome. That’s nearly never the case in Stanton. And if women don’t like obeying their husbands and staying silent in the churches,… Read more »
I see by your outfit that you are a pilot for United Airlines. Congratulations on your achievement!
Solutions To The P*rn Crisis The stats on p*rn-watching are horrible: 40% of men believe they are addicted to p*rn. 80% of men 18-30 watch at least once per month. 50% of divorces are related to p*rn addiction. The average age of first exposure to p*rn is 11 years old. Ease of availability to p*rn is the #1 reason for why p*rn is so ubiquitous. P*rn addiction is much lower in China where it is illegal. Although some still find a way, it is much more challenging to access. But in the West, even little children have access to p*rn.… Read more »
In order to secure a reservation you must first register for an account.
Calvinism vs Arminianism: Part 2: Arminianism John Calvin’s view of salvation was not the only one. There was a starkly contrasting view by Jacob Arminius called “Arminianism”, which taught basically the complete opposite of what John Calvin taught. ARMINIANISM Also a Reformed theologian, Jacob Arminius led the opposing group called the Remonstrants. He taught the completely opposite 5 points: 1) Free Will – Arminius taught that man is sinful after the Fall, but Man is still capable of choosing the free will to do good. This is of course biblical because the Bible teaches that Man is man in the… Read more »
The books were distributed through the mail, however since they were sent media mail the mailing time will be lengthy.
Calvinism vs Arminianism: Part 1: Calvinism In 1619 at the council at the Synod of Dort, a council was convened to settle the matter between Jacob Arminius and his teachings, and John Calvin and his teachings. Based on a few members in a room, they decided what was legal to teach in Christianity. In the end, those few humans chose John Calvin’s teachings and derailed Christianity and ultimately derailed the power of the church in the world, resulting ultimately in the hell we deal with today. A few men made this change, corrupted the teachings of the bible, and accepted… Read more »
The healing of mind and soul will come.
Nice try to the anonymous commenter trying to sabotage the website with gibberish. It’s hilarious. There is a good chance you attend Stanton. And what’s so ironic, is you imitate the oppressive leadership that has occurred so frequently with women teachers in Stanton, beginning with Merie. You don’t care about the truth, you don’t care that God’s word commands women to remain silent, you seek to drown out any and all criticism. Of course, you do it anonymously. Throwing your temper tantrum, trying to yell and scream to interrupt truths you don’t agree with. God’s command on women teachers staying… Read more »
Ignorance is the root of sin, and is more dangerous than Satan. God didn’t say his people were destroyed by sin or Satan, he said they were destroyed by ignorance, because only an ignorant person falls to the wiles of the devil or chooses to sin.
In this case, it is ignorance that is behind Stanton’s decision to allow women to speak in churches, and it is ignorance that inspires the commenter to spread his nonsense.
It’s sad, if a leader never learned that women are to be silent in the churches, how can he teach his children? He can’t.
The original stories of Raggedy Ann and Andy are definately worth reading to children.
Futhermore, the stains on your shirt indicate your sloppiness.
Women desire attention. Men do, too, but on a lesser scale. So, what women will do is claim there is a problem that needs to be fixed in the church, then steamroll God’s commands that women are to be silent in the church. This gives them as much attention as they want and more. Consider how much extra attention Merie received by disobeying God. The entire church is talking about her to this day, and no one is allowed to say anything negative about her, though her example was very bad regarding women’s teaching. Merie steamrolled God’s commands to remain… Read more »