A “Jesus Take The Wheel” kind of faith

By |2019-08-29T10:07:44-06:00January 31st, 2015|Uncategorized|29 Comments

Several people have sent me audio files from various meetings since I started this blog, and I just happened to browse some of them recently. One caught my eye called "Standing in the Gap" from November 2013. It sounded inspiring enough, so I imported it into my iTunes and started listening. It was rather lengthy, and I recalled having started listening to it before, but never made it to the end. After awhile, I remembered why. It took some time to get up to speed, wandering a bit aimlessly for the first 40 minutes. Eventually, though, there were some valuable points made. Most it was charming prose, though maybe a bit too self-conscious. From one story to another, the first 40 minutes of the talk [...]