The swan dive into hell

By |2019-09-30T16:06:42-06:00September 30th, 2019|Uncategorized|87 Comments

When people leave Stanton, they are typically talked about bashed gossiped about slandered from the pulpits of Stanton churches. Preachers, teachers, and evangelists are all fond of characterizing these former members as "fallen away." One phrase at least one preacher is fond of using is that leaving the church is like taking a "swan dive into hell." Have some people, upon leaving Stanton, truly taken a "swan dive into hell" and chosen to be separated from God? Oh yeah. No doubt about it. Stanton exudes overplayed confidence that it is the only receptacle for one to plug into God. So many who leave Stanton do so just to give up on God and dive headlong into darkness. And why not? In practical terms, their experience is [...]