
/Tag: withdrawal
3 November

Here’s Joe Gautreau’s letter of withdrawal…where do I start?

By |2022-11-04T14:00:17-06:00November 3rd, 2022|Uncategorized|133 Comments

Stanton leadership's lack of Biblical understanding is appalling, to say the least. This letter stating the reasons for Stanton's "withdrawal of fellowship" (a completely misused term) should be an embarrassment to anyone who even has a cursory knowledge of scripture. I will provide it here for your perusal and comments below. Dear Faithful Brethren, We are deeply comforted in knowing that all the churches continue walking in the faith, unity, and peace that we have enjoyed for so many years. This letter is sent to help answer the many inquiries received regarding the recent withdraw (sic) of our brother Joe Gautreau. While it is not customary to send out letters to the brotherhood over local church discipline, we felt it necessary to do so in [...]

6 December

A Biblical look at so-called withdrawal

By |2019-08-30T09:48:04-06:00December 6th, 2014|Uncategorized|148 Comments

The subject of "withdrawal" is of huge importance within the Stanton churches, because it is so grossly misunderstood, taught, and practiced. In its current form, it is unscriptural, unloving, and unjust, and the fear and dread it brings to those under its threat can silence even the most honest of questions. Some of you reading this have been "withdrawn from" (an unscriptural term, how Stanton uses it) and others have spouses, mothers, fathers, or siblings who have been, thereby creating an intricate web of rules you or they have to live by. Others of you have remained silent about your dissent from official church teachings due to the threat of withdrawal, and the dysfunction it would create in your relationships with your spouse or children. [...]