How to whitewash your sepulchre

By |2019-09-26T08:15:11-06:00September 25th, 2019|Uncategorized|5 Comments

I'm trying hard not to be unfair or nitpicky with this headline and my comments on TC's talk at the 2019 March Week on unity. While he pushes hard for the suppression of negative information using the tried and true "fear and intimidation" tactic of the threat of withdrawal, which I find very problematic, he does seem to rightly understand the subject of gossip. On that, I completely agree with him. Believers should NOT be promulgating gossip, and I commend him on that instinct. However, the problem is that Stanton long ago lost the moral clarity to distinguish between destructive gossip and honest dissent.  When you suffer generations of oppressive teachings and practices, you become desensitized to this distinction, like generations of Chinese and North [...]